This is a guide only Without prejudice . 4-Max Models Ltd does not accept any liability whatsoever with regards to any injury or damage caused by
advice contained within or not contained within this guide. www.4-Max.co.uk
October 2018 Rev2.
Connect the ESC to any brushless motor, Doesn't matter the order of connection of the
3 wires between the motor and the ESC. (The motor must be connected to the ESC to
hear beeps, as the ESC makes the motor beep).
Connection Photo
Connect a battery to the ESC. The ESC will then make the motor bleep once or twice
depending upon your settings (one beep for medium brake and two beeps for no brake).
That's it! you have now successfully programmed the ESC. If you do not hear any beeps
then either the motor is not connected correctly to the ESC, or there is another fault.
Please contact us.
Disconnect battery and plug the servo type plug from the ESC back in to your throttle
channel on your receiver. Go Fly!