Fig. 12
M-935, M-936, & M-937 Faceseals (M-100, M-200 & M-300 Series)
To remove faceseal:
- With the visor frame in the down (closed) position, remove plastic faceseal tab from “T” attachment
points on headband (Figs. 13a & b).
- Grasp the black faceseal gasket and slowly pull straight out in small sections, working your way
around the faceseal (Fig. 13c).
Do not bend gasket over and ‘peel’ off as this may damage the gasket ribs. Do not start in the
middle of the gasket. Pull out in small sections starting at one end.
To install faceseal:
- On the faceseal, locate the side with the fabric “loop” which is sewn into the elastic. Holding the
faceseal with this side facing up, grasp the black gasket on the faceseal and align with the edge of
the groove in the visor frame. Starting with one edge, press the gasket firmly into the groove in small
sections, working your way around the faceseal (Fig. 13c). Both gasket ribs should be fully inserted
into the groove.
- Locate the “T” hooks on the suspension (Fig. 13d). The plastic tab of the faceseal attaches to this hook
on the suspension. To attach, slide the tabs in
between the suspension and the headgear shell
Attach notch in faceseal tabs onto the “T” hooks located on the suspension headband (Fig. 13b).
- Grasp elastic loop on faceseal and pull up over suspension headband and attach to the plastic tab
(Fig. 13a).
Fig. 13a
Fig. 13b
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