To reduce the risks associated with explosion:
• Only use replacement parts supplied by 3M for this product.
To reduce the risks associated with crush or impact related injuries:
• Always ensure the membrane contactor is properly secured. Be sure the
membrane contactor cannot tip, roll, fall, slide or make any movement that
may cause injury or damage to other system components.
• Care must be taken not to hit or jar (shock) the membrane contactor.
To reduce the risks associated with lifting or moving:
• Always consult the product datasheet or operating guide for membrane
contactor weights. Use appropriately rated lifting equipment for lifting
or moving heavy membrane contactors.
• To avoid contamination, gloves are recommended when handling the
membrane cartridges.
(A) Carefully clean the sealing surfaces of the housing and the
Slide the cartridge into the housing leaving the epoxy equally
exposed on each end.
Be careful not to chip the epoxy edge of the contactor.
Review the Assembly Parts and Part Orientation drawing to become
familiar with the part location and terminology.
(B) Check to be sure that the cartridge is centered in the housing.
Look at and feel both ends to ensure proper alignment.
Measure both ends using a ruler to assure the membrane cartridge
is centered in the housing.
(C) Loosen the wing nuts on the centering slide on the cartridge
alignment tool.
Clamp the cartridge alignment tool on one end of the housing.
Move slide until it is flush against the face of the cartridge and
tighten wing nuts.
Check to make sure the cartridge is still centered.
Use a ruler if necessary.
If adjusting is necessary, it must be done now before O-rings are
inserted completely.
(D) Starting at the end opposite the alignment tool, place the
7.5 mm shellside O-ring around the outside of the cartridge.
Lift the cartridge slightly and use the T-handle insertion tool to press
the O-ring into the space between the housing wall and the epoxy
sealing surface of the contactor at the 6 o'clock position
(see diagram 1).
Recheck cartridge alignment.
Once the alignment is acceptable, continue to set the O-rings in the
12 o’clock, 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions using the T-handle
insertion tool.
Diagram 1
12 o'clock
6 o'clock
3 o'clock
9 o'clock