Checking mechanical motion (kit package only)
The mechanical movement has been checked in a fully assembled Artifex 3D printer. The
process listed in this section is only needed if you are assembling your own Artifex 3D
printer from a kit package, although information provided here can help you gain better
understanding of your Artifex 3D printer even you start with a fully assembled Artifex.
Figure 2.29 shows the X/Y/Z-axis definition of your Artifex 3D Printer. The extruder
moves along the X- and Z-axis, and the heated build platform (HBP) moves along the Y-axis.
The extruder’s X/Y/Z position is defined relative to the HBP.
Figure 2.29: X/Y/Z-axis definition of Artifex 3D Printer
Figure 2.30 shows commands in the Manual Control page of Repetier-Host for mechanical