After the application file is downloaded, the following information appears on terminal interface,
indicating a successful upgrade.
Download successfully!
14092032 bytes downloaded!
Updating Basic BootWare? [Y/N]
Upgrade the BootWare.
1) If you enter
, the system displays:
Not update the Basic!
Updating Extend BootWare? [Y/N]
The system stops upgrading the basic segment and asks you whether to upgrade the extended
segment or not.
2) If you enter
, the system proceeds to upgrade the basic segment:
Updating Basic BootWare...............Done!
Updating Extend BootWare? [Y/N]Y
The system finishes upgrading the basic segment and asks you whether to upgrade the extended
segment or not.
If you type
, the system does not upgrade the extended segment. In this case, the system only
has the basic segment upgraded.
If you type
, the system proceeds to upgrade the extended segment:
Updating Extend BootWare.................Done!
At this prompt, the extended segment is successfully upgraded.
By now, the entire BootWare has been successfully upgraded.
The BootWare program is upgraded together with the Comware application. You do not need to
upgrade the BootWare separately. After the Comware is upgraded to the latest version, the system
automatically upgrades the BootWare when the system reboots.
When a service card is started up, it automatically checks the current BootWare version. If the
BootWare version bound to the Comware application is different from the current BootWare
version, the system upgrades the current BootWare version automatically.
The file name, size, and path in the above figures are for reference only. Check the current
BootWare and application versions before upgrading them.
Upgrading BootWare and Applications Using TFTP
If the application file is large, you can use TFTP to upgrade it to reduce upgrade time.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), a protocol in the TCP/IP suite, is used for file transfer between
client and server. It provides not-so-complex and low-cost file transfer services. TFTP provides
unreliable data transfer services over UDP and does not provide any access authorization and
authentication mechanism. It employs timeout and retransmission mechanisms to guarantee
successful data delivery.