Table 6-5
BootWare operation submenu
Menu item
<1> Backup Full BootWare
Back up the entire BootWare.
<2> Restore Full BootWare
Restore the entire BootWare.
<3> Update BootWare By Serial
Upgrade BootWare through a serial port.
<4> Update BootWare By Ethernet
Upgrade BootWare through an Ethernet interface.
<0> Exit To Main Menu
Return to the main menu.
Storage Device Operation Submenu
on the main menu to enter the storage device operation submenu:
==========================<DEVICE CONTROL>============================
|<1> Display All Available Nonvolatile Storage Device(s) |
|<2> Set The Operating Device |
|<3> Set The Default Boot Device |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu |
Enter your choice(0-3):
Items on this submenu are described in Table 6-6.
Table 6-6
Storage device operation submenu
Menu item
<1> Display All Available Nonvolatile Storage Device(s)
Display all available storage devices.
<2> Set The Operating Device
Configure the operating device.
<3> Set The Default Boot Device
Configure the default boot device.
<0> Exit To Main Menu
Return to the main menu.
Upgrading BootWare and Applications Through a Serial Port
Introduction to Xmodem
Xmodem is used for upgrading BootWare and applications through a serial port.
Xmodem is a file transfer protocol that is widely used due to its simplicity and high performance.
Xmodem transfers files through a serial port. It supports two types of data packets (128 bytes and 1 KB),
two check methods (checksum and CRC), and error packet retransmission mechanism (generally the
maximum number of retransmission attempts is 10).
An Xmodem transmission procedure is completed by the cooperation of a receiving program and a
sending program. The receiving program sends a negotiation character to negotiate a packet check
method. After the negotiation, the sending program starts to transmit data packets. Upon receiving a
complete data packet, the receiving program checks the packet using the agreed method.
If the check succeeds, the receiving program sends an acknowledgement character and the
sending program proceeds to send another packet.