Table of Programmable Parameters
Enable the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for 2N
SpeedRoute. With
the DHCP enabled, the connected devices can be assigned IP addresses
automatically from the required range.
Start IP
First address in the block of addresses that the DHCP server may assign. Its
setting is adjusted automatically according to the set gateway IP address.
End IP
Last address in the block of addresses that the DHCP server may assign. Its
setting is adjusted automatically according to the set gateway IP address.
IP address of the currently used gateway. The item can include either an IP
address defined by the user in the LAN menu or the 2N
SpeedRoute IP address.
IP addresses of the currently used DNSs. The item can include the servers defined
by the user in the LAN menu or assigned by the GSM provider, or the
SpeedRoute IP address.
WINS (Windows Internet Name Server) address. The WINS is responsible for the
list of communication IP addresses and corresponding PC names.
Lease time
This parameter determines the time of leasing the IP address to a network device.
After this time, the network device has to send a new IP address assignment
request to the DHCP server.
Max. leases
Here define the maximum count of network devices that are assigned the IP
address dynamically by the DCHP. Further addresses may be assigned statically
Erase leases
Use this parameter to clear already assigned IP addresses from the table.
Recommended when you change the gateway IP address during operation.
In that case, disable the DHCP server function.
Cancel the leased addresses.
Set a new address range.
Enable the DHCP server function.
The user will experience a short disconnection from the Internet. The
connection will then recover automatically and work normally.