8.4 Redial
Redial the last outgoing number
When the phone is in the standby mode, press the redial button and the phone will
call out the last number dialed.
Call out any number with the redial key
Enter the number, press the redial key and the phone will call out the number on the
Redial record clearing
After every use of the phone, Redial will default to the last used number; therefore, it
is necessary to clear the records used by the last customer without affecting the use
of other customers.
8.5 Auto-Answering
You can enable the auto-answering feature on the device and any incoming call will be
automatically answered. The auto-answering function can be enabled on a line basis.
WEB interface:
Log into the phone page, enter [
] >> [
], select [
] >> [
Basic settings
start auto-answering and click Apply after setting the automatic answering time.
Figure 4 – Auto-Answering Web Page