Model 202 Ozone Monitor Manual Rev. J-4
Appendix A: Using the 2B Technologies Display and Graphing
Copyright© 2B Technologies. All rights reserved.
2B Data Display
is an easy way to display and save data from your serial or USB
With easy one-click operations, data are read from your instrument and displayed on
an extremely versatile chart. Two items, such as Ozone and Temperature, can be
displayed simultaneously on the chart with multiple zoom levels. Data are
automatically saved to a .txt file and can optionally be saved to a .CSV file to be read
in Excel. Saved data can be restored for later viewing and analyzing on the chart. By
requesting an account with 2B Technologies, you can upload your data and view it on
a Google Earth overlay.
Downloading the Software
Go to
and select the Software tab. Click
the link for “2B Tech Display and Download Software.” Follow the instructions, doing
the two installations if needed and choosing to save the “setup.exe” file. Double-click
the setup.exe download to launch the 2B Data Display application.
Connecting Devices
Connect to a Monitor
1. Select the device you are connecting to from Settings: Select Device...
2. Click OK.
3. Select the Connection you will be using from Settings: Connection...
Choose the settings as follows:
a) Port:
The default port is “COM1” for computers with a serial port.
If using a USB
connection, check for the correct port in the “Device
Manager” under “Ports” located in: Control Panel : System : Device
If using a USB to Serial adapter, check for the correct port the same as for
a USB connection and look for the name of the adapter (e.g., Belkin,
Prolific, or other USB to Serial adapter manufacturers).
b) Baud Rate: The Default baud rate of the software is 2400. Check your
monitor’s settings in the “Cfg / I/O” menu and match the software with the
monitor’s setting (19200 for the POM). Note that for the USB port, the baud
rate must match the baud rate of the Monitor at the Monitor’s startup.
c) Parity: None
d) Data Bits: 8
e) Stop Bits: One