Model 202 Ozone Monitor Manual Rev. J-4
primary ozone standard and the instrument undergoing calibration. This procedure
requires the following equipment:
1. Zero air source
2. Ozone generator
3. Sampling manifold (inert material such as PTFE or FEP only)
4. Sampling lines (inert materials such as PTFE or FEP only)
5. UV Photometer
Use of a certified transfer standard for calibration involves the generation of ozone
concentrations, using the calibrated ozone generator, that are measured by the
instrument undergoing calibration. This procedure requires the following equipment:
1. Zero air source
2. Certified Transfer Standard
3. Sampling manifold (inert material such as PTFE or FEP only)
4. Sampling lines (inert material such as PTFE or FEP only)
Zero air can be generated either from compressed cylinders or from scrubbed ambient
air. If ambient air is used, contaminants such as ozone and nitric oxide must be
removed. Detailed procedures for generating zero air are in the EPA’s
Assistance Document for the Calibration of Ambient Ozone Monitors
Instrument Preparation
Prior to calibration, follow the steps below:
1. Turn on the Model 202 Ozone Monitor and allow it to stabilize for a
minimum of one hour.
2. Connect the instrument to the manifold on the ozone calibration setup. If a
particle filter will be used in normal operation, the calibration must be
performed through the filter. The manifold must be vented to atmosphere
so that pressure does not build up in the calibration setup. Connection of
the Model 202 directly to a pressurized output of any device can damage
the ozone monitor.
3. Verify that the flow rate into the manifold is greater than the total flow
required by the ozone monitor and any other flow demand drawing from
the manifold.
Calibration Setup Preparation
As indicated in the EPA Technical Assistance Document, there are several tests that
should be performed prior to calibration to ensure the accuracy of the measurements.
These tests include:
Setup check
Ozone loss test
Linearity check
Intercomparison test