Each type of output event must be specifically enabled before PDM II will report it. This way, you can tell
PDM II to report only those events that are important to your installation.
When a socket connection is made to port 5443, a System Active message is sent: @Welcome to PDM.
This can be used as a handshake or as a signal to start your own routine for enabling those Output Events
you want reported.
Events are enabled or disabled on a per-connection basis. You must send enable messages each time you
establish a new connection. Otherwise, each connection to the PDM II defaults to having all of its event
messages disabled.
enable Command
This command turns on PDM II's ability to report specific events.
Use the form enable EventName<LF>, where EventName is a change in PDM II's current status. For
example, enable DumpTrig<LF> tells PDM II to send a message whenever DUMP has been activated.
Two or more EventNames can be combined in the same command by separating them with a space. For
example, enable DumpTrig Muted<LF> tells PDM II to report any time either DUMP or MUTE has been
Use All for EventName as a shortcut when you want to enable messaging for every PDM II event.
When PDM II receives any valid enable command, it responds !<LF>.
If a function is active when you enable its message, PDM II reports its state immediately and then sends
an updated report when the state changes. For example, if you send enable Muted<LF> and the unit is
already muted, it will immediately respond with @Muted=1. When Muting is turned off, PDM II will send
EventNames used in enable commanded include:
Building - PDM II is building up a delay
BuildTrig - The BUILD button has been pressed
Bypass - PDM II is in a bypass state
Cue1 ... Cue8 - Cue point n has been reached
DelayEmpty - The memory is empty
DelayFull - The delay is now full
DelaySafe - A Dump increment has been reached in memory
DelayUnsafe - The memory contains some audio but not enough to cover a full Dump event
DumpTrig - The DUMP button has been pressed
EmptyTrig - The memory has just been completely emptied
Exiting - PDM II is exiting a delay
Flag1 ... Flag8 - Flag point n has been reached
FullTrig - The memory has just been completely filled
Muted - PDM II's output is muted