Requests consist of a command (something for PDM II to do), usually followed by arguments (what it should
act upon), and then a Line Feed <LF>. Commands include:
down - Start the event described by <argument>. Used for level-sensitive inputs
up - End the event described by <argument>. Used for level-sensitive inputs.
trigger - Momentary activation of <argument>, the same as tapping a button. Used for triggered inputs.
get - Returns the status of <variable>
help - Returns hints about PDM II's serial language
enable - Turns on Output Event reporting for a specific PDM II condition
disable - Turns off reporting for a specific condition
Arguments act the same as the identically-named GPIO inputs as described in the
. You may
enable or disable Output Event reporting for just about every PDM II function. Arguments are also case-
sensitive. They use internal capital letters and must be sent exactly as shown. Arguments include:
Cue 1 - Cue 8
Flag 1- Flag 8
Variables include:
Depth - Current audio delay length in seconds and tenths
PeakInput - Peak input level, both channels, in dBFS
PeakOutput - Peak output level, both channels, in dBFS
TemperatureC or TemperatureF - Current internal temperature in whole degrees Celcius or Fahrenheit
depending upon the request
Output Event messages sent by PDM II are @nameOfEvent.[=1 or =0] followed by <LF>. NameOfEvent
can be any event reported by the GPIO. If an event is momentary (such as a button press) the Boolean does
not appear.
=1 or =0 appear only if the event is an ongoing state, such as whether the system is currently in Bypass
Mode. These numbers do not appear for triggered events such as Cues.
A typical Output Event might look like: @DelaySafe=1<LF>, which translates to "Delay Safe is now on" and
PDM II's memory has enough audio buffered to cover at least one complete dump.
Remote Request
PDM Response