Martin Stobbe
Am Kuchelberg 2
82266 Inning am Ammersee
Tail boom interface
Prior to gluing, please make sure to check if the
tube may penetrate the wing far enough
(>15mm). Rempove excessive material with
Dremel or round file.
Please roughen the tubes surfaces (100-320
sand paper):
8mm Tube: complete outer surface
9mm Tube: complete inner surface and outer
surface, leave 12mm untouched
10mm tube: inner surface
Clean with alcohol
Apply thickened gluing epoxy to the wing
opening. Make sure to put some epoxy to the
radii as well to reinforce the area.
Glue 8mm tube into 9mm tube.
Glue the 10mm tube to the 9mm tube in a way
that 12mm remain for the actual connection to
the tail boom.
Put epoxy to the remaining roughened tube
area as well and slide the tube into the wing
opening. Remove excessive epoxy with alcohol
and Q-tips.
Slide tail boom onto the interface and align e.g.
on tables edge. Make sure the tail boom is
straight in longitudinal direction. Up/down is
not too important since there is no horizontal
Let all adhesions cure over night.