Martin Stobbe
Am Kuchelberg 2
82266 Inning am Ammersee
Build phase: control horns and tail interface
Openings for linkages and control horns
Put tape around the area of
interest and draw openings
according to drawing. Use the
flaps inner edge as reference.
Use e.g. a Dremel to carefully cut
out openings.
Roughen the surface area around
the horns to improve bonding.
Remove the sandwich material
and silicone flap reinforcement in
the area of the control horns to
ensure proper gluing. All gluing
surfaces must be roughened and
Cleaned with alcohol.
The main spar needs ~6-8mm
holes to rout through the linkages.
Mark the positions and carefully
manually drill with a long drill or
round file.
Install M2.5 clevis and rod to help
align the horns.
Glue horns with thickened gluing
The front surface of the horn shall
be flush with the flaps edge.
The horn shall be directly bond to
the lower outer skin of the wing.
Ensure proper alignment and
secure with tape.