Martin Stobbe
Am Kuchelberg 2
82266 Inning am Ammersee
General information
The build instructions are setup in a way that the XBow may be build in two evening sessions and
curing happens overnight. Final steps may be completed on the third day.
Especially with flying wings, accurate CG and slop-free linkages are absolutely critical to
achieve best performance and handling. Please use the described cross-linkages and no
RDS/IDS systems.
Following the overall concept of an extremely robust model, it is not recommended to install
8mm wing servos. Slop or broken gears during hard landings is just a matter of time.
KST X10mini in servo frames with counter bearing are highly recommended.
The recommended antenna position, behind the wing has proven to be very reliable. Any
other antenna installation may induce risk of control link issues.
During build, please make sure to put the wing on a soft surface to avoid scratches.
Please put tape around all areas where you are working on to avoid damage to the surfaces.
We highly recommend 24h gluing epoxy (Uhu Endfest, Araldite, etc.). Thickening (e.g. with
Thixo) may help with proper installation of the control horns.
Any glue remains on carbon surfaces should be removed immediately e.g. with Q-tips and
Alcohol (Isopropanol). Acetone may render the clear carbon surfaces matte.
There are very different clear tape qualities. We highly recommend
Tesa Kristall
Magnetic switches (e.g. Zepsus Nano) make your life easier.
Clear carbon surfaces heat up significantly in direct sunlight. Installed electronics and battery
cells may get damaged. Please protect your model when not in use.
Flying wings without fuselage should be best launched with a little unconventional grip.
Thumb on top, four fingers below the wing. Please see the video:
Content of this kit
Carbon tubes for tail boom interface:
1x 10x9x8mm
1x 9x8x38mm
1x 8x6x38mm
Tail boom (1 spare)
2x 10x9x100mm
2x carbon control horns
Carbon bungee hook
3x 60g self-adhesive weight
Carbon sheet material for hatches