UAFC User Manual, Release Date: Aug 2 2016
Memory Bank Selection:
Quickly pressing the faceplate button will select one of the 3 memory banks, each memory bank contains a 256 point Fuel Correction Table.
When memory bank 0 is selected; LED0 will be light. When memory bank 1 is selected; LED1 will be light. When memory bank 2 is selected;
LED2 will be light. You can change memory bank selections while your vehicle is in motion.
Datalogging to Internal Memory:
Holding the faceplate button for 2 or more seconds will trigger datalogging to internal memory, while UAFC is datalogging to internal memory
LED3 will be light. There is enough memory onboard UAFC to log roughly 27 minutes of data @ 10 samples per second, once the memory is full;
datalogging to internal memory will stop and LED3 will turn off. While UAFC is datalogging to internal memory; hold the button again for 2 or
more seconds and datalogging to internal memory will stop and LED 3 will turn off.
Each time datalogging to internal memory is triggered, the current datalogging session will overwrite the previous one.
External Trigger:
Pin 8 is the External Trigger pin, see section 1.2, when the External Trigger pin is greater than 5[v] UAFC will select memory bank 2, when
voltage is less than 5[v] UAFC will resume normal operations. The maximum voltage that can be applied to the External Trigger pin is 20[v].
This feature is intended to support nitrous applications, the External Trigger pin is connected to a 12[v] solenoid switch, when the solenoid is
powered UAFC will select memory bank 2, once the solenoid is switched off UAFC will restore the previous bank selection. For nitrous
applications, memory bank 0 and 1 are meant for normal vehicle operations and memory bank 2 should be reserved only for when the nitrous
is active.
4. UAFC Edit