1. Introduction:
Connect the Signal I/O box to the DVR. The signal I/O box has RS485 ports for PTZ
camera control.
2. Installation:
2.1 Setting PTZ camera control protocol:
Follow PTZ camera user manual to choose and setting control protocol, all the camera need to
choose same protocol type.
2.2 Setting PTZ camera ID:
Follow PTZ camera user manual to set PTZ ID, each camera has a unique ID it’s own. We
suggest stronger CH1 camera use the ID no: 1, CH2 camera use the ID no: 2 …, that you will
have more convenience to control your PTZ cameras.
Follow the figure to connect all of cameras RS485 TX together and RX together, then insert RS485 TX
into the RS485 TX terminal and RX insert into the RS485 RX terminal and tight it.
3. PTZ control setting:
3.1 Go to DVR menu and select system, into system list and select subject of PTZ/Keyboard,
then use left and right keys to select protocol to match your PTZ camera setting.
3.2 Use up and down keys to select subject of baud-rate, then use left and down keys to select baud-
rate to match your PTZ camera setting.
3.3 Use up and down keys to select subject of ID, then use left and down keys to select ID to match
witch PTZ camera you want control now.
3.4 If you want to set auto pan, you can select auto pan=on. Go to auto-pan setup and use
up/down/right/left keys to set the start point and end point. Press cam1 save right position, cam2
save left position and press cam3 demo auto pan, and then use Menu key to quit PTZ setting.
3.5 Example:
PTZ Protocol: Pelco P Baud rate: 9600 bps
ID: 1
Auto pan: on