MANUGENX5 - Version 1.01 24.03.2021
© 2021 0N3 s.r.l. - Subject to change without notice
Proof test frequency
The proof test must be executed at least one time every 8760 hours. This applies separately to the terminal and to the
Base Station (i.e. both the terminal and the Base Station must be tested at least one time every 8760 hours). It includes
three parts and can be executed directly on the machine where the system is installed.
• Since the probability that the safety functions will fail during the proof test is not 0, this test shall
be executed in a controlled situation (e.g.: when the Enabling Device is tested, the operator must be
outside the operating range of a moving machine).
Part 1: proof test of the Safe Stop function
The Emergency Stop push button must be pressed and the operator must verify that the machine is stopped in this
condition. Then the Emergency Stop push button must be released and the operator must verify that the machine
remains stopped until the standard “Reset – Start” sequence is executed on its console.
Part 2: proof test of the Safe Enable function
The Enabling Device push button must be set in central position starting from the released position. The operator must
verify that the machine is enabled in this condition. Then the Enabling Device push button must be fully pressed and
the operator must verify that the machine is disabled in this condition. At this point the Enabling Device push button
must be set back to the central position and the operator must verify that the machine remains disabled in this con-
dition. Finally, the Enabling Device push button must be fully released and the operator must verify that the machine
remains disabled in this condition.
Part 3: proof test of the Safe Selector function
The Selector switch must be set in all 16 positions and the operator must verify that the machine operating mode is
set in the relevant state.
Lifetime is 87600 hours (i.e.: 10 years approximately).