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© 2013 Directed. All rights Reserved.


Quick Reference Install Guide







This product can be used as a standalone product or in conjunction with an exist-

ing Directed product. It is compatible with most Directed Security, Remote Start and 

hybrid systems. 

If the SmartKey module is being installed as a standalone device, refer to the 


Diagram for Standalone Applications

 and Feature Programming Procedure sections. 

When installing the SmartKey system in standalone mode, no programming is re-

quired if you are using the default output settings. See the table in Feature Program-

ming/RF Selection Menu for the specific default settings for each of the four outputs. 

If the SmartKey module is to be connected to a compatible Directed system, first 

determine whether that system uses 6-pin or 4-pin IVU (RF) connectors. For 6-pin 

IVU systems, refer to the Wiring Diagram for use with Existing Product using 6-pin 

RF connectors section. For 4-pin IVU systems, refer to the additional adapter harness 

connections in the 8210 RF Adapter Kit wiring diagram section. 

Refer to the 

Simplified System Programming

 section for all applications where the 

SmartKey module will be connected to a compatible Directed system.

Please note that accessing the SmartKey features currently requires a compatible 

iPhone or Android, and v3.2 or newer SmartStart app installed on that phone. You 

can also control older SmartStart Bluetooth modules with the new app(s). Although 

you can also access non-SmartKey features of this hardware with some older ver-

sions of the SmartStart app, for best results, update the app to v3.2 or newer. 

Mounting the Module

Determine an appropriate location for the SmartKey module such as along the dash-

board. For best performance when using the SmartKey PKE feature, the module 

should be located centrally. Mounting on one side of the vehicle will generally 

result in different lock/unlock ranges on either side of the vehicle. For best range 

(when sending active commands), it is recommended that you mount the module in 

the highest unobstructed position. Keep in mind the owner will need to be able to 

access the pairing switch if they change phones or add a new phone to the system. 

The SmartKey module comes with a mounting bracket and hardware. Mount this 

bracket first using the provided hardware and insert the module into it.

Wiring Diagram for Standalone Applications


Green         White            Black

Green         White            Black


Control Module

Control Center/IVU

IVU Cable

IVU Cable

SMARTKey Control Module











Note: Actual Control Module may differ

to the example shown in diagram. 

Arrow to Control Module does not reflect 

the actual location of this connection

Note: Actual Control Center/IVU

may differ to the example shown

in diagram

Main Harness

(see wiring table)

SMARTKey Control Module

Side view, Standalone application

H1 Main Harness

(see wiring table)

Not used

Not used

Connect system as shown in H1 6-pin harness wiring table. When complete, go to 

Linking the SmartKey to a Smartphone

 section of this guide. Test the system using the 

SmartStart app on linked smartphone.

H1 6-pin Harness

Pin #

Wire Color

Connection for standalone 

Connection with 6-pin RF systems











Lock (output 1)

Not Connected



Unlock (output 2)

Not Connected



Start/Stop (output 4)

Not Connected



Trunk (output 3)

Not Connected

Wiring Diagram for use with Directed systems with 6-pin RF connectors


Green         White            Black

Green         White            Black


Control Module

Control Center/IVU

IVU Cable

IVU Cable

SMARTKey Control Module











Note: Actual Control Module may differ

to the example shown in diagram. 

Arrow to Control Module does not reflect 

the actual location of this connection

Note: Actual Control Center/IVU

may differ to the example shown

in diagram

Main Harness

(see wiring table)

SMARTKey Control Module

Side view, Standalone application

H1 Main Harness

(see wiring table)

Not used

Not used

1.  Unplug the existing system’s IVU cable from the Control Center/IVU. 

2.  Connect the IVU cable from the green port of the SmartKey module to the exist-

ing Control Center/IVU.

3.  Now connect the disconnected end of the Control Center (IVU) cable to the 

black connector of the SmartKey module.

4.  Connect the main harness connector end to the white port of the SmartKey 

module and connect power and ground as noted in the H1 6-pin Harness 








To Green connector

on SMARTKey module

To Black connector

on SMARTKey module










, P



d, XL202




Note: Actual IVU/Antenna
may differ to the example
shown in diagram.

Note: Original IVU/antenna cable must be used to 
connect the IVU/antenna to the 8210 RF Adapter kit.

8210 - PKE and SMARTKey 

RF Adapter Kit 

AstroStart Connections:


The Green connector on the 
8210 RF Adapter kit connects 
only to the AstroStart Remote
Starter XRT, model RSS-2524.
Other models connect to the
large white 4-pin connector.

To Remote Start or Security System

See note in

box below

8210 RF Adapter Kit wiring diagram (required for 4-pin Control 

Center/IVU systems only)

Setting the unlock/lock range for SmartKey - important! Please read and follow 

these steps carefully.


1.  Pair your phone (or customer’s phone) to the installed SmartKey system. 

2.  Go to the Cars tab, and add or link the SmartKey module. 

3.  Select the “>” next to the vehicle name that represents the SmartKey system

4.  Press the “Enable SmartKey” button

5.  When the SmartKey User interface page opens, stand approximately 10-15 

feet from the vehicle,preferably at a slight angle to the driver’s side. 

6.  Press the Set Range button. This will establish your current position as the 

approximate range where Unlock will occur, and automatically sets the Lock 

range several feet further away from the vehicle. The Unlock/Lock sliders on 

the SmartKey page will move to indicate the updated range thresholds. 

7.  Walk away from the vehicle and check that Lock occurs within a reasonable 

distance, and then walk back to the vehicle to check that Unlock occurs before 

you have reached the vehicle. 

Note that the actual range varies depending on whether you are holding the phone 

in your hand or have it in a pocket, also whether other metal or electronic devices 

are close to the phone. These variances tend to be consistent but you should experi-

ment until you are comfortable with the programmed range. Be sure to explain these 

steps and how range is affected by those factors to your customer, or they may not 

have an optimal user experience. 

Advanced range control (not recommended)


You can manually adjust the range for Lock and Unlock separately, if required. 

We do not recommend doing this unless you find that you cannot set good usable 

thresholds with the Set Range button. 

1.  To manually adjust the existing thresholds, open the SmartKey user interface 

page by going to Cars/Car details (the > button), and pressing the Enable 

SmartKey button. 

2.  Drag and drop the individual sliders for Lock and Unlock as desired. When 

you release the slider, a new range value will be sent to the SmartKey module 

based on the position of the slider. 

3.  Important! Lock must always be programmed further away from the car than 

Unlock. The app will not let you reverse those positions. Also, do not set the 

two thresholds very close together, or excessive lock/unlock toggling will oc-


4.  If you experience erratic locking/unlocking after manually setting the range 

thresholds, reset the thresholds following the one-button “Set Range” program-

ming feature described above.  

Other SmartKey features


1.  To temporarily disable SmartKey, you can send an active Lock or Unlock com-

mand. This will turn off passive locking/unlocking activity until you are out of 

range of the vehicle. At that time SmartKey will re-engage. 

2.  To turn off SmartKey completely (disable passive locking/unlocking), tap the 

Bluetooth icon on the top left of the main SmartStart user interface page and 

check the pop-up to confirm that SmartKey is now disabled. Tap the icon 

again when you want to re-enable SmartKey, otherwise it will remain disabled 


3.  You can also turn on the SmartLock feature if you want to remain in the vicinity 

of the vehicle without having it lock and unlock repeatedly. When SmartLock 

is active, it defers the lock/unlock decision by a fixed period of time. Moving 

past the lock and unlock thresholds resets those timers, preventing the vehicle 

from locking or unlocking until you stay outside the threshold long enough for 

the timers expire. Tap the SmartLock button on the Cars detail page for that 

vehicle to enable SmartLock, tap it again to disable SmartLock. 

4.  Sleep mode is now enabled by tapping the Sleep Mode button on the Cars 

detail page. This shuts down the module to prevent it from using any battery 

current. Use this if you are parking the vehicle for extended periods of time. 

You can wake the module back up when you return by simply sending a Con-

nect request. For iPhone, tap the device name on the phone’s Bluetooth device 

list. For Android, from either the main SmartStart user interface page or the 

Cars tab, press the phone’s Menu button to pop up a command box in the app 

with the Connect button in it. Press that button to restart your SmartKey module. 

5.  Power Saver Mode is automatically entered after 14 hours of no command 

activity. This mode leaves the SmartKey device active so you can connect 

with it and send commands etc., but it reduces the polling activity cycle to 

lower the amount of current draw from the battery. The SmartKey device will 

automatically exit Power Saver Mode when you return to the vehicle or send 

it a command.

Linking the SmartKey to a Smartphone (all applications)

For iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch:

1.  Press and hold the Pair button on the SmartKey device (furthest from LED) until 

the Blue LED lights. 

2.  Release the Pair button and the Blue LED will flash once per second.

3.  On your iPhone go to Settings/Bluetooth and turn Bluetooth on.

4.  Wait until the SmartKey device appears on your “devices” list then tap on it to 

connect, and wait for it to display “Connected”.

5.  Now open the SmartStart app and go to the Cars tab. Tap the (+) button on the 

upper right to add your SmartKey system to the Cars list. Follow the on-screen 

directions to either link it with an existing vehicle that has a SmartStart system, 

or to add it as a separate system.. 

6.  Once connected, the Blue LED on the SmartKey module will be on solid. Now 

you can test the installed SmartKey system.

For Android smartphones or compatible tablets:

1.  Open the SmartStart app and navigate to More/Settings, then scroll to Blue-

tooth Control and make sure the Bluetooth Status box is checked. If the Blue-

tooth wireless function of your phone is currently off, the app will attempt to turn 

it on and a permission box will pop up asking you to confirm that selection. 

2.  Press the Pair button (furthest from LED) and hold it until the LED turns blue. 

Ignore the Red LED that comes on first.

3.  Release the Pair button and the blue LED will flash once per second. The Smart-

Key module stays in Pairing mode for 60 seconds before it automatically exits. 

If this happens, repeat step 2 to re-enter Pairing mode. 

4.  Navigate to the Cars tab of the SmartStart app and tap the (+) button on the 

upper right to add your SmartKey system to the Cars list. Follow the on-screen 

directions to either link it with an existing vehicle that has a SmartStart system, 

or to add it as a separate system.  

5.  The phone will display “attempting to connect”, then if successful it will display 

“connected successfully” and the Blue Led on the SmartKey module will blink 

steady.  Now you can test the installed SmartKey system. 

6.  If it is not successful you will see “Connection attempt failed”; repeat steps 4 

and 5. If the Blue LED turns off on the SmartKey module, place it in Pairing 

mode again (steps 2, 3) then repeat steps 4 and 5.
