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Operating instructions 

Rotary Compass Cutter

No more cutting of circular shapes by hand! With the 
Ecobra rotary compass cutter there are now no limits to 
creative modelling. Wonderful perfect circles can now 
be cut in a single continuous stroke. 

The rotation of the sharp blades ensures you get a 
precise, clean cut. The rotating motion also means that 
you can create circles not only in “free-style” cut, but 
also in wave or perforation cuts – something that was 
previously not possible. 

The creative modelling possibilities are further broad-
ened by a V-shaped blade. 

A unique and excellent tool for model builders, DIY 
enthusiasts, tailors and dressmakers, and all creative 
people, be they hobbyists, trainees or professionals, 
who have had, up till now, no choice but to take the 
trouble of cutting out circles “freehand”.  

The perfect circle achieved without exertion. The tool 
sits easily in the hand and, for those who do a lot of cut-
ting, the ratchet head ensures that strain on the wrist, 
which can easily become tired, is minimized. 
