answer mode on-line. Whenever your modem establishes a connection
with another modem, one of the modems must be in answer mode and
the other modem must be in originate mode or a connection is not
Equivalent AT commands:
+++ Escape sequence code; causes a modem to return to command
mode. Enter escape sequence in data state and wait for the modem
to respond.
ATH On-hook; disconnect the modem.
ATD Originate on-line.
ATA Answer on-line.
Access `R' (Repeat last dial) by pressing the left or right arrow
key and the ENTER key. Before a connection is made, any key
pressed from the front panel or terminal keyboard will abort the
redial operation.
Equivalent AT commands:
ATDL Repeat last dial.
A/ Repeat last command once.
A> Repeat last command once, retry the last call up to 9
(depending on the country) times.
Move to the STATUS REGISTER menu, and change the S0 value to the
number of rings until the modem will automatically answer. A
value of zero disables auto answer.
Equivalent AT commands:
ATS0=0 Disable auto-answer.
ATS0=n Auto answer on n rings.
Dialing from the terminal or front panel will cause the following
screen to be displayed on the LCD.
Dialed phone number will be displayed on the second line of the
20 X 2 LCD screen. If the number exceeds 20 digits, only the
first 20 digits/characters will be displayed. If the phone jack
is not plugged in or not attached, the LCD screen will display
the following: