This function can be setup MATRIX host intranet “Subnet Mask”, press ENTER, the left-most number of second row will flash,
then press the UP or DOWN button to change the numbers Press the ENTER, , press LEFT or RIGHT to move to another
location, the move to a position number will flash, press ENTER to complete the setting.
Gateway: (Default
This function can be setup MATRIX host intranet “Gateway”, press ENTER, the left-most number of second row will flash, then
press the UP or DOWN button to change the numbers Press the ENTER, , press LEFT or RIGHT to move to another location,
the move to a position number will flash, press ENTER to complete the setting.
DHCP Client: (Default Disable)
When DHCP Clients setup at “Enable”, the MATRIX host will automatically get IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, if setup at
“Disable”, the MATRIX Host IP Address needs to go through “ ETHERNET” menu to set IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway,
press ENTER, the second row will flash, then press the UP or DOWN to select DISABLE, ENABLE, then press ENTER to
complete the setting.
Media Type: (Default 100M)
This function can be setup MATRIX host intranet “Media Type, press the ENTER, the second row will flash, then press the UP
or DOWN button to select 10M, 100M, AUTO, press ENTER to complete the setting.
MAC Filter: (Default Disable)
MAC Filter can be setup with registered MAC Address in order to connect the MATRIX host Web UI, MAC Address required by
the Web page to fill in, this function can only be setup at “DISABLE”, “ENABLE”, then to press ENTER, the second row will flash,
then press the UP or DOWN to select DISABLE, ENABLE, then press ENTER to complete the setting.
(Default ID 4)
This function must be set to match the Matrix remote control IR01 with the matrix itself. A conflict with other device remote
controls is avoided.
After entering REMOTE ID menu, press ENTER, the LCM LINE 1 number will flash. Then Press UP or DOWN button to select
the number, and then press ENTER to confirm.
When you finish REMOTE ID setting, MATRIX remote control IR01 must also set the same ID
in order to operate normal.
IR Remote setting: Press and hold the POWER button, then press the number button which can be set from 0 to 9, total 10
These settings on IR01 remote control have to be done the first time you use the IR01 or when you change the batteries.
Subnet Mask
192.168. 0. 1
DHCP Client
Media Type