Version 1.0.2
ZIP4x5 User’s Guide
The ZIP4x5 is a SIP based IP phone, named because of its four call
appearances and five circuits: four Ethernet and one analog.
This guide describes how to install the phone and use the common
features. For a complete description of the ZIP4x5, refer to the User’s
Manual, which is accessible on the Internet at www.zip4x5.com. The
instruction card provided with the phone is a quick reference to the most
commonly used features.
You can provision your ZIP4x5 to perform router services from a remote
location, including firewall, NAT, and VPN functions. To provision the
phone, access the Web Configuration tool by entering the IP address of
your ZIP4x5 in the address entry box of your web browser.
Refer to the User’s Manual for more information on provisioning the
phone and ZIP4x5 remote router capabilities.
Connecting the ZIP4x5
The following instructions refer to the figure at the top of the next page.
Connect the handset plug into the socket labelled Handset. Route the
cord through the plastic restraints and place the handset in the cradle.
Connect the headset plug into the socket on the left side of the phone.
To use a wireless headset with the phone, enable Bluetooth by
selecting Menu | User Settings | Bluetooth.
Connect the LAN cable into the socket labelled LAN.