C h a p t e r
Main Antenna Feeder
Table of Contents
Main Antenna Feeder System Structure ................................69
Antenna ...........................................................................70
Feeder Structure ...............................................................71
Main Antenna Feeder
System Structure
Main antenna feeder system includes all the parts which between
BTS rack and the antenna input and output ports. Main antenna
feeder system mainly used for radio signal transmission and recep-
tion. If the main antenna feeder system is configured with tower
amplifier, the amplifier’s power supply system also included in the
Tower top amplifier is an optional device. Read contract terms for
its configurations.
usually each sector uses 2 unipolar antennas to implements the
space diversity receiving. Among two directional antenna of each
sector, one is used for both transmission and reception, and con-
nected to the Duplexer and Combiner by main feeder. the another
one is only used for receiving, and connected to the receiving filter
by feeder.
From antenna to cabinet, the antenna feeder system consists
of BTS antenna, tower-top amplifier (optional), antenna jumper,
main feeder cable, grounding clip, lightning arrester, and cabinet-
top jumper, as shown in
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