C h a p t e r
Alarm Overview
Table of Contents
Overview........................................................................... 1
Alarm Glossry Overview ...................................................... 1
Message Format Description ................................................ 5
The alarm management is responsible for gathering the malfunc-
tion and the event information which appears in the system run-
ning and the handling of traffic process. Real-time display or stor-
age into the database is executed in form of alarm or notice on the
user-oriented alarm monitoring platform. It also provided the in-
terface direct-viewing monitoring or the historical inquiry method
to reflect the current or the past system running status and the
handling of traffic process. All of these helped the maintenance
personnel to do the troubleshooting and take preventive mea-
sures, so that the system and the service restores normal as soon
as possible.
Alarm Glossry Overview
Message No.
Message No. is also named alarm code. It is the unique identi-
fication to distinguish alarms. It includes foreground alarm and
backgroud alarm. The foreground alarm code is a fixed value de-
fined by macro for distinguishing alarms. Because alarm and the
corresponding recovery use the same alarm code, only alarm code
and notice code need to be defined. The alarm source provides the
macro name in the alarm code identifier macro column. The back-
ground alarm code is used to display in alarm monitoring platform
and is mapping with the foreground alarm code one by one ac-
cording to some rules.
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