Sending a Text Message, 70
Sending an MMS Message, 70
Creating Playlists, 95
Managing Playlists, 95
Playing Music, 94
My Files
Accessing My FIles, 136
Opening Files, 136
Network Modes, 119
Note Pad, 137
Phone Activating, 24
Phone Calls
3-Way Call, 50
Assigning Speed Dial Key, 48
Emergency Calls, 49
Holding a Call, 52
International Calls (Plus Code Dialing), 50
Making Calls, 47
Muting a Call, 52
Using Bluetooth Headset, 53
Using Speed Dial, 48
Phone Information, 134
Phone Overview, 16
Resetting the Phone, 133
Security Settings, 120
Creating a PIN or Password, 123
Creating Screen Unlock Pattern, 120
Unlocking the Screen With the Pattern, 121
Unlocking the Screen With Your PIN or
Password, 123
Shooting Video, 93
Sleep Mode, 30
Sound Recorder, 98
Sound Settings
Adjusting Volume, 115
Notification Ringtone, 114
Phone Ringtone, 114
Silent Mode, 114
Switching to Vibrate, 115
Status and Notification Icons, 38
Stopwatch, 137
Switching the Phone On/Off, 23
Synchronization Settings, 128
Synchronizing Your Google Account, 129
Taking Pictures, 92
Task Manager, 137
Text Input
Android Keypad, 63
XT9 Text Input, 64
Text-to-Speech Settings, 132
Time and Date Format, 110