manufacturer of this phone for information on hearing aid
compatibility. If you have questions about return or
exchange policies, consult your service provider or phone
M-Ratings: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements
and are likely to generate less interference to hearing
devices than phones that are not labeled. M4 is the
better/higher of the two ratings.
T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements
and are likely to be more usable with a hearing device’s
telecoil (“T Switch” or “Telephone Switch”) th
an unrated
phones. T4 is the better/ higher of the two ratings.
(Note that not all hearing devices have telecoils in them.)
Your phone meets the M4/T4 level rating.
Hearing devices may also be rated. Your hearing device
manufacturer or hearing health professional may help you
find this rating. For more information about FCC Hearing
Aid Compatibility, please go to http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/dro .
a) Do not disassemble or open crush, bend or deform,
puncture or shred.
b) Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert
foreign objects into the battery, immerse or expose to
water or other liquids, expose to fire, explosion or other