FM Radio
Use the FM radio to search for radio channels, listen to the
channels, and save the channels on the phone. Note that the
quality of the radio broadcast depends on the coverage of the
radio station in the area. The wired headset works as an
antenna, so always connect the headset when using the radio.
When a call comes in while you are listening to the radio, the
radio turns off.
Scanning and Saving Channels
1. Plug in a wired headset and touch the
FM Radio
2. Touch
> Scan
. Your phone scans for all available
channels and saves them to the
All channels
> All channels
to view the list of saved channels.
Every scan will remove all previously saved channels, but you
can keep favorite channels by checking
Keep favorite
Listening to FM Radio
1. Touch the
> FM Radio
while the headset
is connected.
2. Touch
> All channels
and select a channel.