1 2
5.1.3 Screen 3
5.1.4 Screen 4
Display of the error messages such as
filter change, battery lever etc.
The fourth screen shows the logo of
the distribution partner and the serial
number of the unit.
Normal operation with heat recovery
The fans are running on the set stage in opposite directions and
change directions every 70 seconds. This time may change
according to the preset that has been chosen with the software.
Normal operation with heat recovery and day/night regulation
The fans are running on the set stage in opposite directions and
change directions every 70 seconds. This time may change accord-
ing to the preset that has been chosen with the software. The fans
are on stage 1 between 7 pm and 7 am.
5.2 Control panel
The control panel allows you to choose and set different operating modes.
5.2.1 Operating modes
Summer operation without heat recovery
The fans are running on the set stage in opposite directions without
direction changes.