ZVK-66 User Manual
Issue 03
Page 17 of 17
9. In the event that the Buyer discovers a material error which results in the Programmed Products not
performing substantially in accordance with the Functional Specification, or the Licensed Programs not
performing substantially in accordance with the relevant Program Documentation and notifies the Seller of the
error within 90 days from the date of the Seller making available the respective software to the Buyer (the
`warranty period"
the Seller shall at its sole option either refund the price which the Buyer has paid to the
Seller (or if such price has not been paid, relieve the Buyer of all obligations to pay the sum) in respect of the
respective software or use all reasonable endeavours to correct by patch or new release (at its option) that
part of the software which does not so comply provided that such non-compliance has not been caused by
any modification, variation or addition to the software not performed by the Seller or caused by its incorrect
use, abuse or corruption of the software by use of the software with other software or on equipment with
it is incompatible,
10. To the extent permitted by English law, the Seller disclaims all other warranties, with respect to the software
which it provides pursuant to the Contract, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied
warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for any particular purpose.
11. The Buyer is solely responsible for various scanning the software that it receives from the Seller pursuant to
the Contract.
The Seller warrants that it will use reasonable skill and care in providing the Services to the buyer