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Co. All rights reserved.
The above list also helps to troubleshoot connectivity issues.
These basic instructions will not detail every step, but provide an overview of what the app will do.
1. Open the app, sign in to your account, or create an account using the link at the bottom. Open your profile to set up any additional phone
numbers or email addresses where you would like to receive notifications.
2. Once you're logged in to your account, create locations by touching the "+ " from the Locations screen. When ready to add a device,
choose the desired location name and then touch the "+" to start adding a device. Allow access to the camera so you can scan the data
3. Now the app will provide several instruction screens about scanning the data matrix, joining the Fit’s network, and then LEAVING the app
and how to come back.
Rather than scan the data matrix, the user may instead enter the Fit’s Device ID to get started. Ignore warnings your mobile device may give you
about “unsecure network” or “no internet connection”. The app is connecting directly with the Z Control
equipment, and therefore no security or
internet connection is necessary.
4. When the captive screen opens (see Figure C in next section), use the Wifi Scan button to find the Wifi network you want the Fit to use,
select it from the list provided at the bottom of the screen (you may need to scroll), and type the Passphrase in the field. The Z Control
LED should be solid within a minute indicating successful connection to the router and the Z Control
Cloud. Upon first connecting to the
cloud, the Fit controller may immediately update its firmware over the air (OTA), if an update is available. If an update is taking place, the
Z Control
LED will flicker for up to 1 minute while the update is downloaded. The Z Control
LED will be solid and all other LEDs will turn
off while the update is being installed. After up to 1 minute, the Fit will restart and return to normal operation. The Fit’s alert history on the
Z Control
Cloud will also be updated with the firmware update information, and notification to email accounts will occur.
5. You now should go back to the Z Control
app to find your new device set up in the location you previously selected. You can always
change a device to a different location in your account.
6. Open the Fit and explore current status, configuration settings, and commands available, such as Pump Test, Buzzer Test, Silence, etc.
Perform these test to be sure everything works as expected. Reset all alarms when you are finished.
Use your mobile device or computer to connect directly to the Fit controller
Instead of using a mobile device and the Z Control
app, you can also use your mobile device or computer to directly connect to the Fit.
Before you begin:
Know what your WiFi network is named (i.e. its SSID) and its password. Double check that you know the correct password and exactly
how it is spelled, including capitalization. This will prevent the most common troubleshooting issues.
Verify that your mobile device has working Wi-Fi and detects a strong signal from your Wi-Fi network when you are standing next to the
Fit controller. If the signal is weak or varies, your network may not be able to provide a stable connection for the Fit. Try repositioning
the controller if possible, and be sure there are no physical or interference barriers nearby. The use of an off-the-shelf range extender
may be necessary in some installations.
Verify your WiFi router is connected to the internet and that it is broadcasting a visible, secure, 2.4Ghz network.
2.4 Ghz network is required. If you only see 5 Ghz networks, you may need to log into your dual band router to choose to broadcast the
networks separately.
Band steering may need to be temporarily turned off during setup.
Figure A, FIT Controller
This LED should be off when
Fit is in AP mode.
When user is connected to
Fit to set up WiFi, LED will
When Fit is connected to
router and Z Control
this LED will be solid.
Z Control button is underneath
thru small hole.
Figure B, Your Mobile Device Wifi Settings
Select the Fit’s SSID
The last 4 digits
(underlined) will match
the first 4 digits of your
Fit controller’s
Device ID.