© Copyright 2010 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.
Cutter Maintenance
To remove star cutter: Heat the cen ter bolt
to 350°F to loos en Loctite® thread seal ant.
Grind the Star Cutter and Disc seen here to a 32 microfi nish. Sur fac es
must be fl at to within 0.001" T.I.R. Gap must be be tween 0.007" and
0.012" on these parts.
All power circuits must be dis con nect ed and locked out before
any attempts are made at servicing.
The star cutter and disc can
be removed and sharp ened by grinding the cut ting faces. Both star
cutter and disc must be re moved from the pump. Removal of these
parts can be ac com plished in the fi eld by removing pump from the
sump and po si tion ing hor i zon tal ly to access the intake of the pump. If
seals or other repairs are required, the pump must be totally removed
and serviced in a shop by a qualifi ed pump technician or au tho rized
service center.
2. Thoroughly clean the star cutter and disc assembly. Tilt pump back to
the vertical po si tion to make certain the end play has been removed.
Check and record the clearance be tween the star cutter and disc with
a feeler gage. The correct running clear ance is between 0.007" and
3. With pump in horizontal position, heat the hex head bolt in the center
of the star cutter with a propane torch. The bolt must be heated to
350° F to soften the thread lock sealer on the bolt for ease of removal.
Remove the bolt by turning in a coun ter clock wise rotation. It will be
necessary to use a wood block to prevent the star cutter from turning
while re mov ing the bolt. Pull star cutter from the shaft and remove
the spacer shims located behind the star cutter.
4. Remove the six cap screws holding the disc and remove disc from
the pump.
5. The disc and star cutter can be replaced with new service parts or
resurfaced by grinding. Re sur fac ing is ac com plished by surface grinding
both disc and star cutter to a 32 micro fi nish. Do not attempt grinding
in the fi eld. Send parts to a qualifi ed machine shop or return to the
factory for repair. The disc, star cutter and shims are a matched set.
Keep parts together. Measure disc before and after re sur fac ing with
micrometer and record measurements.
6. After resurfacing, the disc and star cutter must be fl at within 0.001". If
the disc has been surface ground, it will be necessary to remove shims
to com pen sate for the ma te ri al removed from the disc. As a starting
point, remove shims of the same thickness as the amount machined
from the cutter disc (step 6 above). Final running clearance must be
between 0.007" and 0.012". Be sure pump is in vertical position and
all end play has been removed before mea sur ing.
7. Clean bottom of pump where disc is located and replace disc and
retainer screws. Torque to 63-67 in-lbs. Replace star cutter with the
correct shims. Install washer and torque hex head bolt to 71-75 in.-lbs.
apply Loctite 262 thread-lock sealant or equal to bolt threads prior to
insertion. Check running clearance with pump in vertical po si tion to
re move end play. Clear ance must be between 0.007" and 0.012" to
obtain effi cient grinding when pump is put back in service.
8. Check the oil in the motor housing before reinstalling. Con tact the
factory if the oil has a milky appearance or burnt smell. The level
should be even with the fi ll plug when pump is in the upright position.
Add oil if re quired. Use insulating oil sup plied by the factory.
General Maintenance
Repair and service should be performed by a Zoeller
Pump Company Authorized Service Station only.
For your protection, always disconnect pump and
pan el from its power source before handling.
Never enter the basin until it has been properly
vented and tested. Any person entering a basin should be wear ing
a harness with safety rope extending to the surface so that they can
be pulled out in case of as phyx i a tion. Sewage water gives off methane
and hydrogen sulfi de gases, both of which can be highly poi son ous.
Installation and checking of electrical circuits and hardware should be
per formed by a qualifi ed electrician.
Pump is never to be lifted by power cord.
Unit must be cleaned and disinfected, inside the
pumping chamber and all exterior surfaces, prior to ser vic ing.
Before the system is placed into operation, it should be inspected by a
qualifi ed tech ni cian.
Wiring and grounding must be in accordance
with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes
and ordinances.
No lubrication is required.
If pumps are to be stored for more than six months, refer to short term
storage procedure in the Operation section.
Preventive maintenance is recommended to ensure a long service life
from the product. Provided is a suggested main te nance schedule.
Every month:
• Check for proper and unobstructed fl oat operation.
• Listen for proper check valve operation.