Zoeller 810 Owner'S Manual Download Page 6


© Copyright 2010 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.

  1.  Review the drawing in Fig. 4 on page 5 and the actual sys tem to be come fa mil iar 

with the components in the pack aged grind er pump sys tem.  Re view where the unit 
will be in stalled.  Determine where the power feed, inlet pipe, and discharge pipe will 
be located.

  2.  Remove the unit from packing.  Prepackaged outdoor sys tems are preassembled at 

the Zoeller Company and re quire a min i mum of fi eld assembly work.  Float switches 
are set and teth ered for proper operation from the Fac to ry.  The alarm switch should 
be lo cat ed 2” above the pump “on” level.

  3.  Float switches are tied in place for shipping purposes on all model prepackaged 

systems.  Cut the cable tie around each fl oat switch bulb or the unit will not operate 
properly.  Ver i fy that where the fl oat switches are set will work for your ap pli ca tion.  
Verifying that the fl oat switches are set prop er ly and will not hang up inside 
the basin is the re spon si bil i ty of the installing contractor. 

  4.  Dig a hole for the basin.  The hole should be at least 24” larger in diameter than 

the basin diameter to provide 12” of backfi ll all around and deep enough to provide 
either 12” of com pact ed backfi ll or 6” when a concrete pad is required.  En sure the 
removable cover extends above the fi nished grade line and the grade slopes away 
from the unit.  Backfi ll and subbase should be 1/8” –3/4” pea gravel or 1/8” –1/2” 
crushed stone.  (Ref er ence basin installation in struc tions included with unit)

  5.  Note:  Care must be taken when excavating in order to avoid underground 

utilities and disturbance of ex ist ing struc ture foun da tions.  The hole should 
be located at least ten feet from adjacent structures.  Ad di tion al dis tance may 
be required to suffi ciently locate the basin outside of the load ing area of the 
adjacent structures.

  6.  The location of the inlet fi tting is determined by the depth of the inlet pipe.  The 

inlet fi tting must be used with 4” pipe.  It is best to in stall the inlet on the side of the 
basin  op po site  the  fl oat switch es.  To install, use a 5” hole saw to drill into the side 
of the basin at the cor rect el e va tion.    Center the hub inner di am e ter with the hole 
in the basin.  Attach the hub to the side of the basin using the sealant and hard ware 
pro vid ed.

  7.  The bottom of the ex ca va tion can now be back fi lled and com pact ed.  Set basin in 

hole and connect the 4” inlet pipe to the inlet hub.  

  8.  The discharge piping is connected to the 1¼” threaded fi tting located in the basin 


  9.  On basin depths of 72” and greater, the system’s disconnect assembly is shipped 

loose and must be screwed into the discharge piping. Apply pipe dope to threaded 

  10.  Connect pull rod to Pump assembly.  Connect lift cable to top of pump.  Lower the 

pump into basin ensuring the dis charge pipe brack et slides into the dis con nect 
fi tting.

  11.  Pouring a concrete anchor around system can now be com plet ed.   Basin should 

be fi lled with water when pouring concrete to min i mize movement of the system.  
Back fi ll around basin with spec i fi ed media.  Care should be used to avoid damaging 
com po nents or leaving voids when back fi lling.  Refer to Basin installation ref er ence 
guide on more specifi c requirements.

 12.  Note: The progressing cavity grinder basin is a sewage holding tank.  Vent 

connection should be installed in accordance with all national, state and local 
plumbing codes.

  13.  Dig a trench for the electrical conduit.  Trench should be lo cat ed at least 18” deep 

and follow all applicable NEC codes.  Con nect elec tri cal wiring to Junction box 
ac cord ing to wiring in struc tions included in this man u al and wiring diagram in box.  
Use the included sealant when clos ing Junction box.

  14.  If used, a control panel is installed within sight of the system.  Connect fl oat switches 

and pump cords according to the “Pump Wir ing In struc tions” found in this manual 
and located inside the panel enclosure.

  15.  Remove any debris from the basin.  Using clean water, check the system for proper 


  16.  Seal and secure the lid using the proper bolts and sealant when using a lid without 

a formed gasket. 

  17.  Add water to the basin and test the system for leaks and proper pump operation.
  18.  Record system start up data for future reference.

Outdoor Prepackaged System Installation Instructions

This set of instructions is for factory prepackaged outdoor progressing cavity grinder systems only.  If this is a fi eld as sem bled outdoor sys tem you can 
use these in struc tions as a guideline.

Zoeller pumps are lubricated and tested at the factory prior to shipment and require 
minimum pre-start-up maintenance.

Maximum operating temperature of pump liquid for grinder pumps must not exceed 130°F 

These units are not designed to handle liquids other than sanitary sewage. If pump is 
used to dewater areas with contaminated liquids with heavy or abrasive ma te ri als, the 
warranty will be void ed.

The nameplate, located on the top of the pump, indicates spe cifi  c  in for ma tion  about 
the construction of the pump. The model num ber and date code information should be 
recorded on the front page in the “Owner’s Information” section of this manual.

When not in use, the pump should be stored and the following is ad vised:
•  Drain pump housing by laying pump horizontal with discharge down. Then stand pump 

on legs.

•  Store pump inside whenever possible or cover with some type of protective cov er ing.
•  Tape or seal in plastic bag the terminal ends of wire leads.
•  Spray coat unpainted surfaces with rust inhibiting oil.
•  The impeller should be rotated every six months in order to keep the seal lubricated 

and not develop a permanent set.

If panel is to be stored, the following is advised:
•  Store the panel inside whenever possible and leave in the ship ping box.
•  All openings shall be sealed.
•  Store in an upright position.
•  Do not stack anything on top of panel.

Before placing the equipment into operation the following should be checked:

• Clean 


•  Electrical boxes dry and securely installed.
•  Floats positioned properly.
•  Discharge valves open.
•  Adequate water level in basin for pump submersion.

Once the above has been verifi ed proceed with the following checks:
•  Pump power cables and control fl oats properly installed and voltage verifi ed.
•  Conduit connections to panel are properly sealed.
•  After installing the pump into the containment area, with ad e quate sub mer gence, open 

the discharge valve fully. Start the unit using manual controls. If fl ow is appreciably 
less than rated performance, pump may be air locked. To expel trapped air, jog the 
unit several times, using the manual controls.

•  Have a qualifi ed electrician take voltage and current mea sure ments  with the pump 

running. Record these readings in the space provided in the “Own er’s  In for ma tion” 
section on page 1 of this manual for future reference. 


No adjustments are required.


Refer to the system drawing or to the panel wiring sche mat ic for the desired 
lo ca tion  of  each  fl oat switch setting.


Discharge valves should be placed in the fully open po si tion. Sys tems should 
not be operated for extended periods of time with the dis charge valves partially 
closed due to damaging the valve.

If a system is shutdown for more than six months, the following is rec om mend ed:

If pit is to remain dry, then the pump can remain in the pit. Do not run dry. If 
the pit is to remain wet, the pump should be removed and stored as noted 


The panel should have all openings sealed to prevent mois ture and dust from 
entering the enclosure. Prior to re start ing sys tem, the panel should be inspected 
for presence of mois ture and any loose con nec tions.


Consult the valve/actuator supplier for information con cern ing these systems 


Summary of Contents for 810

Page 1: ...personal injury or property damage Warns of hazards that WILL cause serious personal injury death or major property damage Warns of hazards that CAN cause serious personal injury death or major proper...

Page 2: ...bled basin package Page 5 shows a couple of the Prepackaged Systems Field Assembled Systems are discussed on page 3 4 Zoeller 810 and 815 Grinder Pumps can be retrofitted to existing positive displace...

Page 3: ...onal 3 Pump motors are single phase Single phase motors require a run capacitor which is mounted in the the upper cap of the pump ref page 4 The units have an internal thermal overload 4 The 810 815 p...

Page 4: ...switch operation Note Cable must be mounted in horizontal position Determining Pumping Range in Inches 1 inch 2 5 cm Use only as a guide Due to weight of cable pumping range above horizontal is not e...

Page 5: ...limited to the National Electrical Code local regional and or state plumbing codes etc Typical Outdoor Grinder Pumping System Installations FIGURE 4A PACKAGED SYSTEM WITH FLEXIBLE HOSE DISCONNECT SK2...

Page 6: ...nstructions found in this manual and located inside the panel enclosure 15 Remove any debris from the basin Using clean water check the system for proper operation 16 Seal and secure the lid using the...

Page 7: ...material removed from the disc As a starting point remove shims of the same thickness as the amount machined from the cutter disc step 6 above Final running clearance must be between 0 007 and 0 012 B...

Page 8: ...float switch held down or defective incorrect wiring in control panel water in cap assembly check valve not installed or malfunctioning Incorrect voltage impeller or cutter blocked negative head disc...
