4. Maintenance
4.1 Cleaning the electrode
The chlorinator is equipped with a smart polarity inversion system designed to prevent the electrode plates from
scaling. However cleaning may be required in regions where the water is very hard.
Turn off the chlorinator and the fi ltering, close the isolati on valves, remove the protecti on cover and disconnect the cell
power cable.
Unscrew the ti ghtening ring and remove the electrode from the body of the cell. The ring is
notched thus allowing a
lever to be used in the event of it jamming. Place the electrode in a cleaning soluti on without immersing the connecti on
Leave the cleaning soluti on to dissolve the scale deposit for about 15 minutes. Dispose of the cleaning soluti on at an
approved waste recycling site, never pour into the rainwater drainage system or into the sewers.
Rinse the electrode using clean water and refi t it into the body of the cell (there is a fail-safe on the alignment).
Refi t the ti ghtening ring, reconnect the cell cable and refi t the protecti ve cover. Open the isolati on valves and restart
the fi ltering and chlorinator.
If you do not use a commercially available cleaning soluti on, you can manufacture it yourself by carefully
mixing 1 volume of hydrochloric acid with 9 volumes of water (Warning: always pour the acid into the
water and not the opposite and wear suitable protecti ve equipment!).
If the water is too hard (high carbonate content, HL>40 °f or 400 ppm), it is possible to change the polarity
inversion cycle ti mes on your chlorinator to have more eff ecti ve electrode self-cleaning. Consult your
reseller if you are in this situati on (professional access).
4.2 Winterizing
The chlorinator has a protecti ve system to limit disinfectant producti on under bad operati ng conditi ons such as
cold water (winter) or a lack of salt.
Acti ve winterizing = fi ltering operati onal in winter: below 10°C it is preferable to switch off the chlorinator. Above this
temperature you can leave it running.
Passive winterizing = lower water level and drained piping: leave the electrode dry in its cell with its isolati on valves