Installation and general maintenance manual
valves on the suction and discharge sides of the pump to prevent backflow of water.
– Turn the lid’s locking ring counter-clockwise until ‘START’ aligns with the ports. Carefully remove
the lid. (A tool may used for leverage).
– Lift the basket out of the pump.
– Dispose of the debris and thoroughly clean the basket, making sure all the holes are open.
Using a garden hose, spray the basket from the outside to help clear the holes. Remove any
remaining debris by hand.
– Replace the basket in the pump by aligning the opening with the suction pipe. If aligned
properly, the basket will drop easily into place. Do not force it into place.
– Remove the lid seal and remove debris around the lid seal seat, as this can allow air to leak into
the system. Clean the lid seal and place it on the lid.
– Replace the lid with locking ring. Hand-tighten the lid to make an air-tight seal. Do not use any
tools to tighten the lid: hand-tighten only.
– Verify that all valves have been returned to the proper position for normal operation.
– Open the pressure release valve on the filter, and make sure it is clean and ready for operation.
– Turn on the power to the pump. Once all the air has been evacuated from the filter, close the
pressure release valve.
Large debris can clog the impeller or stall the motor; replace the basket if it is broken or
6.1 Basic Troubleshooting
Motor won't start or the
controller does not detect
the motor
Have professional check voltage on the main power terminal with the breaker on
Error - see fault code. Power cycle the motor.
Check RS-485 connection is secure with no broken wires.
Inspect low voltage wiring for signs of corrosion.
With all power off, use a multimeter to check continuity of each low voltage lines
from motor to controller.
Replace RS-485 wires completely if necessary.
Check RS-485 connector wiring (pins 1-4 should be Red, Black, Yellow, Green).
Test motor drive with RS-485 jumper method: Using small sections of 0.5mm
wire, jump pins 1 to 3 and 2 to 4. Re-install connector and attach access cover.
Apply power to motor to see if motor spins at 2600 RPM indefinitely. If motor
works, the issue is with the RS-485 line or controller
Check DIP switches 3 and 4 configuration are OFF for Pump 01.
If more than one variable speed pump is being controlled with an automation
system, refer to DIP switch section of this manual.
Check schedule to verify that motor is scheduled to turn on at that time.