Swapping connections: in case of an incorrect wiring of the motor (M1 and
M2 outputs swapped), lighting (LV and LR outputs swapped) and track (G1 and
G2 swapped), there is no need to unsolder the cables, as the assignment of
mentioned outputs can be interchanged electronically by adjusting decoder
settings. Please see CV51 in “Programming” chapter of this User’s Manual for
more information.
Check after installation: after finishing soldering work and connecting all
cables, check all connections and soldering joints thoroughly once again. All
consumers - motor, lights etc. should be reliably isolated from any of the track
it is recommended to additionally secure the digital decoder with a
piece of shrinking tube that comes in the package. Use heat gun heated up to
150 °C for this.
Test operation: put the locomotive on the programming track and read out
the locomotive address. Program the desired locomotive address and start
running the locomotive. After the first check you can modify the driving
parameters according to your requirements.
In case your command station or programming device returns an error during
reading out the locomotive address, please check again the wiring of the
locomotive. Pay attention to the electrical separation of the motor and lights
from the tracks.
Never put such a locomotive into operation!
This digital decoder is based on Doehler & Haass® proprietary hardware and
software technology. All functions and features of ZM05A digital decoder are
equal to those of Doehler & Haass® DH05C multiprotocol digital decoder
(except ZCLK/AUX5 and ZDAT/AUX6 outputs presented only in DH05C).
Here is listed a short set of the most important settings of ZM05A digital
decoder in DCC mode. Full list of decoder settings, as well as detailed
information about all available features and programming in other modes
(MM, SelecTRIX 1 and 2) can be found on Doehler & Haass® official website: