It is recommended always to use VS output of the digital decoder as a
common wire for the light functions instead of using one of the track
connections for this purpose in order to eliminate constant pulsating blinking
of the light functions.
Always connect LEDs to the outputs of the digital decoder with
appropriate resistors in series! The value of the resistors is normally 1-10 k
depending on the type of LED and track voltage. It is allowed to connect only
suitable lightbulbs to the outputs of the digital decoder directly.
Some factory-installed LED lights in the locomotives already fitted with
resistors; no additional resistors needed in this case.
Using AUX3 and AUX4 outputs: these outputs are non-amplified and cannot
switch high-current loads. They provide maximal output voltage of +5 V,
regardless of the track voltage. Please note that the common wire for AUX3
and AUX4 is GND (-), not VS (+).
Each of AUX3 and AUX4 outputs provides maximum current of 20 mA. It is
enough to connect, for example, 1 to 5 small low-power LEDs with resistors in
series. AUX3 and AUX4 outputs are non-dimmable. For smooth adjustment of
the output voltage, trimming resistor should be used.
Here is a sample of connecting small low-power white LEDs to non-amplified
outputs AUX3 and AUX4 with separate brightness adjustment:
For switching consumers that require higher current (> 20 mA) and/or higher
voltage (> 5 V), switching amplifiers should be used - such as MOSFETs,
bipolar transistors etc.
R1 10K
R2 1K
R3 10K
R4 1K