p. 50/69
The following figures show the variation of the heat consumption rate of the
heating system of a typical heating system in a period of 24 hours, considering
the ambient temperature.
Figure 5.10. Instant thermal capacity of a typical heating system at ambient
temperature -15
The figure shows that the thermal consumption rate of a typical heating system
varies during the day and typically the highest consumption rate is at the
morning. However, the operation of the hot water boiler could not follow the
consumption trend in order to cover the heat demand. This is the main argument
to install a heat accumulator tank in the heating system.
Figure 5.11. Instant thermal capacity of a typical heating system at ambient
temperature of 0
C (the left figure) and at +15
C (the right figure);
Stopping the operation of the boiler.
Stopping the operation of the boiler should be performed by stopping any
flue charging in its fuel hopper chamber. The combustion of the fuel will cease
and finally quenched – this process could last for some hour however. Turn OFF
the “START” switch, mounted on the interface panel of the boiler. In case that
Thermal capacity of the boiler,
used for heating domestic hot
Instant thermal consumption of a
typical heating system
Hour of the daytime
Thermal capacity of the boiler