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water boiler, than the control device is practically the operating thermostat
of the boiler. Description of the power supply cable is as follows:
– (single phase 220-230 VAC, 50/60 Hz) – this wire should
be connected to appropriate connection point of the heat energy
consumer and has power supply through the main switch of the
appliance of 220V.
: the power supply should be
serially connected through alarm thermostat or any other safety
device in case of emergency situations, thus the power supply of
the burner should be totally switched off in case of emergency;
– (single phase 220-230 VAC, 50/60 Hz) – this wire
should be connected to the control module of the heat energy
consumer. In most cases this is the operating thermostat of a hot
water boiler. When this module interrupts the control signal (phase
line), then this signal stops the operation of the burner and the
control board performs predefined algorithm for combustion
process interruption and cooling down the combustion chamber of
the burner;
– “zero” – this wire should be connected to the
zero line
the main power supply;
– (so called “protective earth”) – this wire should be
reliably earthed;
The lower section of the fuel transport auger is positioned in the bunker,
appropriately positioned and charged with fuel;
Switching ON the burner of series “GP”
Switching the burner ON is performed by supply electrical power through
the power supply box of the heat energy consumer, where the burner is installed.
If the burner has been in operation mode (or in so called “hot state”), then if the
power supply is restored, it starts/continues its operation automatically.
During the operation of burner and the heat consumer unit,
when there are certain incompact sections, there could be smoke leakages,
eventually through the flexible hose, which connects the fuel transport auger
and the main unit of the burner. It is strongly recommended to make appropriate
steps for stopping these leakages. Air flow rate adjustment is (adjust the position
of the flap of the air fan) also recommended in order to decrease the pressure in
the combustion chamber. Same process could be observed at transition periods
(autumn and spring) and especially in summer, when the ambient temperature is
relative higher that the operating temperature of the unit, as well as the
chimney’s draught is decreased.