background image


Size: 5cm x 10 cm, total: 20cm x 30cm (H)

Warranty period: limited 1 year from date of purchase.

70 Commercial Ave. Warehouse A

Moonachie, NJ 07074







Configurable Parameter Se�ngs: If your controller supports Z-Wave configurable 

parameters, the following se�ngs can be modified.

ZLINK warrants to the original purchaser of this product that for the warranty period, 

this product will be free from material defects in materials and workmanship. 
The foregoing warranty is subject to the proper installa�on, opera�on and 

maintenance of the product in accordance with installa�on instruc�ons and the 

opera�ng manual supplied to customer. 
Warranty claims must be made by customer in wri�ng within 30 days of the 

manifesta�on of a problem. ZLINK’s sole obliga�on under the foregoing warranty is 

to repair, replace or correct any such defect that was present at the �me of delivery 

or during the warranty period. The warranty does not extend to consequen�al or 

incidental damage to other products that may be used with this product. For inquiry 

and customer service, email to [email protected]

All brand names shown are trademarks of their respec�ve owners.

Depending on the capability of your controller or gateway so�ware, the following 

simple to advanced opera�ons can be performed. Please refer to the controller's or 

gateway manual for details.

1. WS-100 supports group one for lifeline communica�on.

2. You can associate up to five Z-Wave devices to group one.

3. Lifeline associa�on only supports the "manual reset" event.

4. For instruc�ons on how to “set lifeline associate”, please refer to your controller/ 

gateway instruc�ons.

Scene and Central Scene

WS-100 supports standard Z-Wave Scene control commands if supported by your 

controller. For example, double tapping the top or bo�om paddles can create 

different scenes. Refer to user guide of your controller on how this works. 

Interoperability with Z-Wave devices

A Z-Wave network can integrate devices from various classes of products, and 

these devices can be made by different manufacturers. The ZLINK product 

introduced in this instruc�ons manual has a Z-Wave cer�fica�on which allows 

such an interoperability.

This  device  complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  rules.  Opera�on  is  subject  to  the 

following two condi�ons: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) 

this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may 

cause undesired opera�on.  

NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused 

by unauthorized modifica�ons or changes to this equipment. Such modifica�ons or 

changes could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. 

IC: 11786A-WS100

This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules  and with  RSS of Industry 

Canada.  Opera�on is subject to the following two condi�ons:  

(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and  

(2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including  interference  

that  may  cause undesired opera�on.    


Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d'Industrie  Canada  applicables  aux  

appareils  radio exempts de licence. L'exploita�on est autorisée aux deux condi�ons 

suivantes :  

(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et

(2)  l'u�lisateur  de  l'appareil  doit  accepter  tout  brouillage  radioélectrique  subi,  

même  si  le brouillage est suscep�ble d'en comprome�re le fonc�onnement.


This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.  

Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. 
Z-Wave is a registered trademark of Sigma Designs.

In addi�on, Z-Wave Plus introduced a new process for scene ac�va�on called 

“Central Scene Control”. Press and release the bu�on, it will send a certain 

command to the central controller via the lifeline associa�on group 1. This allows 

the controller to react to key pressed, key released and key held down.

Again, this new feature needs to be supported by your controller in order to enjoy 

the benefits of this new func�on. Please consult your controller manufacturer.

Press and release the top bu�on, Scene 1 preset by the Gateway will be 

turned ON.

Press and release the bo�om bu�on, Scene 2 preset by the Gateway will 

be turned ON.


When value = 0, the LED indicator will be 

OFF when the connected appliance is 

ON, and the LED indicator will be ON 

when the connected appliance is OFF.

If value = 1, the LED indicator will be OFF 

when the connected appliance is OFF, 

and the LED indicator will be ON when 

the connected appliance is ON.

If value = 2, the LED indicator will be 

always OFF regardless of the load status.





Inver�ng orienta�on 

of the ON/OFF on 

the rocker

Value= 0, the connected light will turn 

ON by pressing the top rocker 

Value= 1, the connected light will turn 

ON by pressing the bo�om rocker







Default Bytes



Input power

120 VAC, 60 Hz.

908.4/916 MHz.

Max output loading 900W incandescent, 200W CFL/LED, ½ horsepower motor 

and 15A, 1800W resis�ve load. 

Radio frequency

up to 100� line of sight between the controller and the 

other available nodes.

Wireless range

77°F (25°C)

Normal opera�ng 



WS-100 User Guide


                      Your Z-Wave device has a unique Device 

Specific Key (DSK) on the product and packaging that is 

required to add or re-add the device to a network with a 

controller supporting Security 2 (S2). Be sure to save the 

DSK code for each device and store in a safe place. Do not 

remove the DSK from the product. Take a photo of the full 

DSK code on the packaging or write the full code here: 

Installation Date:
Device Location:
