User Manual
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Baud Rate
There are 4 baud rate options at which the data
communicates with PC. They are: 115200 (default),
57600, 38400, and 19200.
The higher the baud rate, the faster is the
communication speed, but also less reliable.
Hence, a higher baud rate can be used when the
communication distance is short; when the
communication distance is long, choosing a lower baud
rate is more reliable.
PC Connection
Comm Key facilitates to improve the security of the data by setting up the
communication between the device and the PC. Once the Comm Key is set, a
password is required to connect the device to the PC software.
PC Connection
on the
Settings interface to configure the
communication settings.
Function Description
Function Name
Comm Key
The default password is 0 and can be changed.
The Comm Key can contain 1-6 digits.
Baud Rate
It is the identification number of the device, which
ranges between 1 and 254.
If the communication method is RS485, you need to
input this device ID in the software communication