Defining Your Messaging Accounts
Once your Zipit device has connected to the Internet, you’ll enter your
instant messaging account information. You can save a username
and password for three different accounts
one on AOL, one on MSN,
and one on Yahoo. With the Zipit Wireless Messenger 2, you can log
into all of your accounts at once, seeing buddies from all three
1. When the Setup Wizard prompts you to define your IM accounts,
press NEXT.
2. Your Zipit device will ask if you have an AOL account. Choose
“Yes” or “No” and press NEXT. (Change answers by pressing the
“Y” or “N” button, the space bar, or the
cursor button.)
3. If you selected “Yes,” enter your account information when
prompted. If you make a mistake while typing, use the backspace
key to delete characters. Press NEXT.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to define your MSN and Yahoo accounts.
Note: If you have an MSN account, you must enter your complete
email address, not simply your screen name.