WPA Encryption Setting
WPA feature provides a high level of assurance for end-users and administrators that their
data will remain private and access to their network restricted to authorized users. You can
choose the WPA encryption and select the Authentication Mode.
WPA Authentication Mode
This device supports two WPA modes. For personal user, you can use the Pre-shared Key
to enhance your security setting. This mode requires only an access point and client station
that supports WPA-PSK. For Enterprise, authentication is achieved via WPA RADIUS Server.
You need a RADIUS or other authentication server on the network.
Enterprise (RADIUS):
When WPA Authentication mode is Enterprise (RADIUS), you have to add user accounts
and the target device to the RADIUS Server. In the device , you need to specify the IP
Password (Shared Secret) and Port number of the target RADIUS server.
Pre-Share Key:
This mode requires only an access point and client station that supports WPA-PSK. The
WPA-PSK settings include Key Format, Length and Value. They must be as same as
each wireless client in your wireless network. When Key format is Passphrase, the key
value should have 8~63 ACSII chars. When Key format is Hex, the key value should have
64 hexadecimal digits (0~9, a~f or A~F).