Page 52 Non-Sound Decoder MX618 - MX638 and Sound Decoder MX640 - MX659
Key for raising diesel
sound step
0 - 28
Function key that raises the diesel sound to the minimum
speed defined with CV #340.
See below if more keys for further speed raises are required.
Diesel sound step
and possibly more
0 - 10
The minimum diesel step the sound is to be raised to with the
function key defined with CV #339.
This CV can be extended (to include more function keys (in
succession) by applying the formula:
Minimum speed step + (16 * (Number of keys -1))
5.8 Random and Switch Input sounds
Random generator
Minimum interval
0 - 255
0 - 255 sec
The random generator generates internal pulses in irregu-
lar intervals that are used to playback a sound file assigned
to the random generator. CV #315 defines the shortest
possible interval between two consecutive pulses.
Sound samples are assigned to the random generator Z1
with the help of the CV #300 = 101 procedure, see above!
By default, the compressor is assigned to Z1.
Special note to random generator Z1:
The random generator Z1 is optimized for the compressor
(which should be played back shortly after the train has
stopped); therefore the default assignment should be re-
tained or at the most be used for a different compressor.
CV #315 also determines the proper time the compressor
is started after coming to a stop!
Random generator
Maximum interval
0 - 255
0 - 255 sec
CV #316 defines the maximum time interval between two
consecutive pulses of the random generator Z1 (that is
most often the start of the compressor after coming to a
stop); the actually occurring pulses between the values in
CV #315 and #316 are equally distributed.
Random generator
Playback length
0 - 255
0 - 255 sec
The sound sample assigned to the random generator Z1
(most often the compressor) is played back for the
timespan defined in CV #317.
= 0: Sample plays once (in the defined duration)
As above but for
sound generator Z2
0 - 255
0 - 255
0 - 255
By default, Z2 is assigned for coal shoveling at stand-still.
As above but for
sound generator Z3
0 - 255
0 - 255
0 - 255
By default, Z3 is assigned for the injector at stand-still.
As above but for
0 - 255
As delivered, this random generator is not assigned to any
sound generator Z4
0 - 255
0 - 255
As above but for
sound generator Z5
0 - 255
0 - 255
0 - 255
As delivered, this random generator is not assigned to any
As above but for
sound generator Z6
0 - 255
0 - 255
0 - 255
As delivered, this random generator is not assigned to any
As above but for
sound generator Z7
0 - 255
0 - 255
0 - 255
As delivered, this random generator is not assigned to any
As above but for
sound generator Z8
0 - 255
0 - 255
0 - 255
As delivered, this random generator is not assigned to any
Switch input 1
Playback duration
0 - 255
0 - 255 sec
The sound sample allocated to switch input 1 is played
back for the duration defined with this CV.
= 0: Play back once (duration as recorded)
Switch input 2
Playback duration
0 - 255
0 - 255 sec
The sound sample allocated to switch input 2 is played
back for the duration defined with this CV.
= 0: Play back once (duration as recorded)
Switch input 3
(if not used for the
cam sensor)
Playback time
0 - 255
0 - 255 sec
The sound sample allocated to switch input 3 is played
back for the duration defined with this CV.
= 0: Play back once (duration as recorded)
Installation and Wiring
General information:
There has to be enough
free space inside the vehicle
so that the decoder can be mounted without
exerting mechanical stress. Pay particular attention that no pressure is applied to the decoder when
the loco housing is being reinstalled
and the wires can’t get caught by movable parts.
All direct connections that are present in the original wiring configuration between the power pick-ups
(wheels and wipers) and the motor
must be isolated;
otherwise the motor end stage may get dam-
aged at power-up.
The same goes for the
headlights and other additional accessories,
which must be completely iso-
Do noise suppression components on a locomotive motor have
a negative effect on motor regulation?
Yes, sometimes . . .