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NexGen MIS LPS-Flex Mobile Implant System
Surgical Technique
Option Two: Posterior Referencing Technique
Select the appropriate size MIS femoral finishing guide
(silver-colored) or MIS flex femoral finishing guide
(gold-colored) as determined by the measurement
from the A/P sizing guide. Additional bone is removed
from the posterior condyles when using the flex
finishing guide. Attach the posterior reference/
rotation guide to the selected femoral finishing guide
(Figure 6j).
Lock the femoral position locator on the rotation guide
to the zero position (Figure 6k). This zero setting
ensures that, when the feet are flush with the posterior
condyles, the amount of posterior bone resection will
average 9 mm when using the standard MIS femoral
finishing guides, and approximately 11 mm when
using the MIS flex femoral finishing guides.
Technique Tip:
If between sizes and you don’t want
to go to larger size, you may shift the femoral cutting
block 2 mm anterior using the +2 mm setting to reduce
chance of notching the femur.
Place the finishing guide on the distal femur, bringing
the feet of the rotation guide flush against the posterior
condyles of the femur (Figure 6l).
Set the rotation of the finishing guide parallel to the
epicondylar axis. Check the rotation of the guide
by reading the angle indicated by the posterior
reference/rotation guide. The epicondylar line is
rotated externally 0°-8°, (4°±4°), relative to the
posterior condyles. The external rotation angle can
also be set relative to the posterior condyles, lining up
the degrees desired.
Remove any lateral osteophytes that may interfere with
guide placement. Position the MIS femoral finishing
guide mediolaterally. The width of the MIS flex Femoral
finishing guide replicates the width of the NexGen
LPS/LPS-Flex femoral component. Lateralization of
the femoral component is desired.
Figure 6j
Figure 6k
Figure 6l