1.2.2 Address Spaces
Each register set includes the primary registers A, F, B, C,
D, E, H, L, IX, and IY, as well as the alternate registers A’,
F’, B’, C’, D’, E’, H’, L’, IX’, and IY’. Also, IX, IX’, IY, and IY’
registers are accessible as two byte registers, each named
as IXU, IXL, IXU’ IXL’, IYU, IYL, IYU’, and IYL’. These byte
registers can be paired B with C, D with E, H with L, B’ with
C’, D’ with E’, and H’ with L’ to form word registers, and
these word registers are extended to 32 bits with the “z”
extension to the register. This register extension is only
accessible when using the register as a 32-bit register (in
the Long Word mode) or when swapping between the
most-significant and least-significant word of a 32-bit
register using SWAP instructions. Whenever an instruction
refers to a word register, the implicit size is controlled by
Word or Long Word mode. Also included are the R, I, and
SP registers, as well as the PC.
The Select Register (SR) determines the operation of the
Z380 CPU. The contents of this register determine the CPU
operating mode, which register bank will be used, the
interrupt mode in effect, and so on.
The Z380 CPU’s memory address space is linear 4 Gbytes.
To keep compatibility with the Z80 CPU memory address-
ing model, it has two control bits to change its operation
modes—Native or Extended, Word or Long Word.
The Z380 CPU architecture also distinguishes between
the memory and I/O addressing space and, therefore,
requires specific I/O instructions. Furthermore, I/O ad-
dressing space is subdivided into the on-chip I/O address
space and the external I/O addressing space. External
I/O addressing space in the Z380 CPU is 32 bits long, and
internal I/O addressing space is 8-bits long. There are
separate sets of I/O instructions for each I/O addressing
Some of the Internal I/O registers are used to control the
functionality of the device, such as to program/read status
of Trap, Assigned Vector Base address, enabling of inter-
rupts, and to get Chip version ID.
For details on this topic, refer to Chapter 2, “Address
1.2.3 Data Types
Many data types are supported by the Z380 CPU architec-
ture. The basic data type is the 8-bit byte, which is also the
basic addressable memory element. The architecture also
supports operations on bits, BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
digits, words (16 bits or 32 bits), byte strings and word
strings. For details on this topic, refer to Section 4.3, “Data
1.2.4. Addressing Modes
Addressing modes are used by the Z380 CPU to calculate
the effective address of an operand needed for execution
of an instruction. Seven addressing modes are supported
by the Z380 CPU. Of these seven, one is an addition to the
Z80 CPU addressing modes (Stack Pointer Relative) and
the remaining six modes are either existing or extensions
to Z80 CPU addressing modes.
Indirect Register
Direct Address
Program Counter Relative
Stack Pointer Relative
All addressing modes are available on the 8-bit load,
arithmetic, and logical instructions; the 8-bit shift, rotate,
and bit manipulation instructions are limited to the regis-
ters and Indirect register addressing modes. The 16-bit
loads on the addressing registers support all addressing
modes except Index, while other 16-bit operations are
limited to the Register, Immediate, Indirect Register, In-
dex, Direct Address, and PC Relative addressing modes.
For details on this subject, refer to Chapter 4, “Addressing
Modes and Data Types.”
1.2.5. Instruction Set
The Z380 CPU instruction set is an expansion of the Z80
instruction set; the enhancements include support for
additional addressing modes for the Z80 instructions as
well as the addition of new instructions. The Z380 CPU
instruction set provides a full complement of 8-bit, 16-bit,
and 32-bit operation, including multiplication and division.
For details on this subject, refer to Chapter 5, “Instruction
1.2.6 Exception Conditions
The Z380 CPU supports three types of exceptions (condi-
tions that alter the normal flow of program execution);
interrupts, traps, and resets.
Interrupts are asynchronous events typically triggered by
peripherals requiring attention. The Z380 CPU interrupt
structure has been significantly enhanced by increasing
the number of interrupt request lines and by adding an
efficient means for handling nested interrupts. The Z380
CPU has five interrupt lines. These are: Nonmaskable
Interrupt line (/NMI) and Maskable interrupt lines (/INT0,
/INT1, /INT2, and /INT3). Interrupt requests on /INT3-/INT1