Regolare la precarica del vaso al valore richiesto; riposizionare e stringere il cappuccio di plastica sulla valvola di precarica.
• Installare il vaso nel punto previsto dal progetto dell'impianto, preferibilmente in posizione verticale e con il raccordo verso il basso (vedere i disegni) e nelle seguenti posizioni:
- sulle tubazioni di ritorno, negli impianti di riscaldamento chiusi (fig. 1)
- in un punto tra il bollitore e la valvola di non ritorno, o la valvola di ritenuta o la valvola riduttrice di pressione, negli impianti di generazione d'acqua calda sanitaria (fig. 2)
- dopo la valvola di non ritorno posta all'uscita della pompa, negli impianti per il contenimento e il sollevamento dell'acqua (fig. 3).
• Dopo l'installazione del vaso e il riavvio dell'impianto, controllare che non ci siano perdite nello stesso e rimuovere l'aria dal sistema. Accertarsi che la pressione e la temperatura siano entro i limiti previsti; se necessario,
scaricare dell'acqua per portare la pressione del sistema entro limiti di sicurezza e/o regolare il controllo di temperatura per portarla ai valori previsti.
• Non serrare eccessivamente la connessione filettata.
Attenzione: la procedura d'installazione sopra descritta fornisce solamente indicazioni di carattere generale e pertanto deve essere utilizzata insieme alle istruzioni relative all'impianto su cui il vaso viene
installato, le specifiche relative, i requisti operativi, la legislazione e le normative vigenti.
Attenzione, solamente personale qualificato ed autorizzato può svolgere le attività di manutenzione.
• Per eseguire le attività di manutenzione e controllo, assicurarsi che il sistema sia spento, raffreddato e non in pressione, che i sistemi elettrici non siano in tensione e che il vaso sia completamente scarico.
• Almeno una volta ogni sei mesi il vaso d'espansione deve essere verificato, controllando che la precarica sia nei limiti indicati sull'etichetta (precarica di fabbrica oppure impostata per l'utilizzatore) con una tolleranza di ±
20%, se non altrimenti specificato.
• Per una maggior durata della protezione esterna del vaso d'espansione, deve essere eseguita una pulizia periodica esterna utilizzando solamente acqua e sapone.
• Il vaso d'espansione include delle parti sottoposte ad usura; nel caso queste parti dovessero deteriorarsi nel tempo, in particolare in presenza di fenomeni di corrosione, il vaso deve essere sostituito.
• Utilizzare solamente parti di ricambio originali ZILMET
Nota: per garantire il buon funzionamento dell’impianto, sostituire il vaso d’espansione con uno nuovo in caso di usura eccessiva e comunque entro 5 anni dalla data di installazione.
Zilmet S.p.A. non sarà responsabile per alcun danno alle cose e alla proprietà e/o per danni fisici alle persone dovuti alla non osservanza di tutte le istruzioni sopra riportate, e, in particolare, dovuti ad un
dimensionamento e scelta, installazione, funzionamento e manutenzione impropri del vaso stesso e/o del sistema connesso.
ZILMET pressurised expansion vessels with fixed and interchangeable membrane are manufactured according to the safety essential requirements of 97/23/EC pressure equipment directive. These instructions for use have
been prepared in accordance with the purpose of article 3.4 of Annex 1 of 97/23/EC Directive ("instructions for the user, containing all the necessary safety information relating to…..") and are enclosed with the product when
placed on the market.
The expansion vessels which these instructions refer to have been designed and manufactured for the following purposes (please, see the following table):
• The fixed membrane expansion vessels identified by drawings 521, 522, 531, 537, 537XL, 539XL, 541, P638 e P639 allow the expansion of not potable water and pressure control in closed hydraulic heating systems and
in refrigerating systems: these vessels can not be used for the production of sanitary / potable water.
• The interchangeable membrane pressure tanks identified by drawings 564 and 564II allow water expansion and storage and pressure control in systems for the production of sanitary water: they can also be used in closed
hydraulic heating systems.
• The fixed membrane expansion vessels identified by drawings 20013, 200 T, 500 HS/T, 531, P 636/637 allow the expansion of not potable water and the pressure control in closed hydraulic heating systems, in refrigerating
systems and in solar plants; these vessels can not be used for the production of sanitary / potable water.
• The fixed membrane expansion vessels identified by drawings 500 HPD, 20016, 20018 allow water expansion and storage and pressure control in systems for the production of sanitary water, or (with the exception of
500 HPD) potable water storage and lifting in pump systems; moreover, they can be used also in closed hydraulic heating systems.
• The interchangeable membrane pressure tanks identified by drawings 20012, 20014, 20015, 20020 allow storage and lifting of sanitary / potable water in pump systems; moreover, they can be used also in closed hydraulic
heating systems.
• The interchangeable membrane pressure tanks identified by drawing 21000 allow storage and lifting of sanitary / potable water in pump systems: moreover, they can be used also in closed hydraulic heating systems.
All the vessels incorporate a flexible synthetic diaphragm to keep the system water or fluid from contacting the sealed in air cushion in the tank. In model 20016 the internal surface in contact with water has a special epoxy
coating suitable for use with potable water. Also the diaphragms of models 500 HPD, 20012, 20014, 20015, 20016, 20018, 20020 and 21000 are suitable for potable water applications.
The technical characteristics of the expansion vessel are written on the identifying label applied to each product; among them, the most important information are: product identification, vessel volume, maximum working
pressure and temperature (please, see the following table), pre-charge pressure (factory set or user set), production year, serial number.
The following table shows the general technical characteristics of expansion vessels:
in particular the values of the maximum working temperature and the maximum working pressure shown in this table must be intended as maximum working parameters for expansion vessels.
CAPACITY (litres)
CAPACITY (litres)
521 / 521 XL
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
500 HPD
All the models 10 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
P636/ P637
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
537 / 537 XL
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
All the models 3 bar
70 °C /90 °C
H - R
539 / 539 XL
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
10/ 16 bar according to the models
70 °C / 99 °C
SW- P- H
All the models 3 bar
70 °C / 90 °C
H - R
0,16 litres 15 bar
From 0,5 to 18 litres 10 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - P- H
All the models 8 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - H
All the models 6 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - P - H
All the models 10 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - H
From 8 to 500
10 bar
750 litres
8 / 10 bar
1000 litres
6 / 8 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - P - H
564 F
All the models 10 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - H
All the models 10 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW – P - H
4 and 8
5 bar
12, 18, 24, 35 and 50
4 bar
From 80 to 1000
6 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
H - R
All the models 16 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - P - H
200 T
8 and 12
10 bar
18 and 25
8 bar
35 and 50
6 bar
70 °C / 110°C
750, 1000, 1500, 2000 liters
10 / 16 bar
70 °C / 99 °C
SW - P - H
500 HS/T
All the models 10 bar
100 °C / 110 °C
Key “USE”:
H= heating, R= refrigeration, S= solar, SW = sanitary/potable water, P= water lifting / pumps
for updated technical characteristics, please refer to the label on the vessel
Any use at sustained or instantaneous pressure and temperatures exceeding the prescribed limits is
and can cause reduced vessel life, property damage, serious scalding and/or bodily injuries or result in death. The
vessel may be utilised in systems having a maximum working temperature as in the table, providing all the means that ensure the temperature on the vessel is 70 °C at maximum (installation in the coldest part of the system,
thermostatic control and so on). About the minimum temperature, the vessels may work, using proper antifreeze as ethylene glycol (with a percentage up to 50%), at a temperature not lower than -10 °C. Due to the toxicity of
such substances, the vessels may not be used for the production and storage of sanitary / potable water. Moreover, all the proper means and precautions for avoiding dispersion in the environment and possible poisoning
must be adopted. Please, refer to local safety, occupational, health and environmental codes and standards. According to local regulations or following to specifications agreed between ZILMET and the purchaser, the
maximum working pressure and the maximum working temperature may be lower (but not exceeding) than those shown in the above table:
please refer always to the agreed specifications and/or to the
local codes,
regulations and standards.
Before the installation, it is mandatory to calculate and to choose the correct type of vessel according to the system design, specifications, instructions and operation requirements. Only qualified
and licensed technicians may perform the calculation and the choice of the vessel according to local codes and standards. Only qualified and licensed personel may install, operate and service this
equipment in accordance with system design, specifications and instructions, operation requirements and local thermal, plumbing, and electrical codes and standards. Moreover, all local safety,
occupational, health environmental and whatever other applicable codes and standards must be followed. Please, pass these instructions on the personel in charge for installation, operation and service. All
instructions must be carefully read before installing this expansion vessel. After the installation, these instructions must be kept for future reference.
• The system in which the expansion vessel is installed must have a pressure-limiting device (pressure relief valve).
• The label is firmly applied to the vessel and must not be removed tampered or changed.
• If the label on the ZILMET vessel is missing or the technical characteristics on the ZILMET label are not readable, please do not install the expansion vessel: please contact directly ZILMET by phone at +39 049 8840662
or by e-mail at [email protected]
• To prevent corrosion due to stray and galvanic currents, the system must be grounded properly according to local electrical and plumbing codes and standards and, if needed, the vessel may be provided with dielectric
joints after evaluating carefully the characteristics of the installation.
• Other possible causes for pin holing and corrosion phenomena have to be considered, for instance, water characteristics (included its temperature), presence of oxygen, melted salts, the use in the same system of
devices made of different materials (e.g. carbon steel and stainless steel, carbon steel and copper). All of these factors have to been considered by the manufacturer of the complete system and by the personnel in charge
for the installation and maintenance, taking into account also all the local plumbing, electrical and safety standards and regulations.
• Do not use this vessel with following fluids: a) chemicals, solvents, petroleum products, acids, bases, or any other substance that may be detrimental to the vessels itself, b)fluids in Group 1 according to 97/23/EC directive,
that is fluids defined as explosive, extremely flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic and oxidizing according to 67/548/EEC directive.
• Use this vessel just with fluids in Group 2 according to 97/23/EC and having a vapour pressure greater than 0,5 bar above the normal atmosphere pressure (1013 mbar) at the maximum working temperature of the
expansion vessel.
• Do not use this vessel with water containing sand, clay or other solid substances that may damage the vessel (particularly the internal coating) and / or clog its connection.
• Proper means must be provided for preventing the air from accumulating, during the working of the plant, in the chamber of the vessel (water side) connected to the system.
• The vessel and the connected system must be protected against below freezing temperatures, for instance using proper antifreeze or installing the vessel in suitable areas.
• Do not use this expansion tank for any other purpose that it has been intended for.
• The expansion vessel, piping and connections may in time leak. Therefore it is necessary to install the expansion vessel in a suitable technical room, which must be provided with adequate system to drain and discharge
so that any leakage will not damage the surrounding area and will not cause scalding injuries.
The manufacturer shall not be responsible for any water damage to people and/or things and properties in connection
with this expansion vessel.
• The manufacturer of this vessel shall not be responsible for any possible damage to things and property and / or injuries to persons due to improper transport and/or handling of the tank itself.
• As in all plumbing products, bacteria can grow in this expansion vessel, especially during times of non use. The local plumbing official and the competent authorities must be consulted regarding any step the personnel in
charge for service and maintenance takes to safely disinfect the plumbing system.
• It is forbidden to drill, open, heat with flames or tamper with the vessel in any way.
• Attention, for the pressure tanks which have the upper connection, please note this is opened to allow for the installation of a three way connection on which a manometer and a pressure relief valve may be installed.
• Should it be necessary to change the factory pre-charge, only specialised technical personnel should calculate or determine the new pre-charge. The calculation must ensure that, for all foreseeable working conditions,
the specified limits (particularly the maximum working pressure) are never exceeded and local codes and standards are observed. In any case it is advisable the pre charge does not exceed 50% of the maximum working
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