Appendix Newsletter
1. Product parameter data
Parameter data is an important setting parameter of the inverter . The parameters are as follows:
Group F
(read and write)
F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, FA, FB, FC, FP
The parameter data communication address is defined as follows:
1) When reading parameter data for communication, for the parameter data of F0~FP group, the high sixteen bits of
the communication address are directly 0 0-0D, and the low sixteen bits are directly the serial number of the parameter
in the function group, for example:
F0-16 function parameter, its communication address is 0010H, of which 00H represents the function parameter of the
F0 group, and 10H represents the hexadecimal data format of the serial number 16 of the parameter in the function
2) When writing parameter data for communication
For F0~FP group parameter data, for F0~FP group parameter data, the high sixteen bits of the communication address
are directly 0 0-0D, and the low sixteen bits are directly the serial number of the parameter in the function group, for
--Write function parameter F0-16:
When writing, its communication address is 0010H
2. Product non-parametric data
Status data (read only)
d monitoring parameters, inverter fault
description, inverter running status
Control parameter (write
Control commands , communication
Data status
Status data is divided into d group monitoring parameters, inverter fault description, inverter running status,d group
parameter monitoring parameter. For the description of group d monitoring data, please refer to the relevant description
of "function parameter table", and its address is defined as follows: d0~d15, the high 16-bit communication address is
70, and the low 16-bit is the serial number of the monitoring parameter in the group , for example as follows: d -11,
whose communication address is 700BH
Inverter fault description
When reading the fault description of the inverter, the communication address is fixed at 8000H. The host computer can
obtain the current fault code of the inverter by reading the address data. For the description of the fault code, see the
definition in the "function parameter table" parameter.
Inverter running status
When reading the running status of the inverter by communication, the communication address is fixed at 3000H, and
the host computer can obtain the current running status information of the inverter by reading the address data, which
is defined as follows:
Control parameter
Control parameters are divided into control command, digital output terminal control, analog output AO1 control,
analog output AO2 control, high-speed pulse (FMP) output control
Inverter running status communication
Read Status Word Definition
1 : Forward operation
2 : Reverse operation
3 : stop