Fixed Hoist Test Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual
ZOM-12000-7 rev 0
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This manual contains proprietary information and is not to be copied or disclosed without written
permission from Zephyr International LLC. Copyright 2006-2008
FHTF Limitations:
The FHTF is not intended to provide the capability to perform a complete acceptance
test as per the OEMs requirements but to allow the maintenance personnel to perform
checks of the system performance, set the hoist’s limit switches, adjust the levelwind,
and replace and condition the wire rope before the UUT is mounted onto the aircraft;
thus minimizing aircraft down time and flight time required if those procedures were
carried out on the aircraft.
System Pictures:
The Location Installation Requirements
Should be far from aircraft or equipment movement.
Should be as close as possible to the AC power plug.
When the system is being used it should be located away from any other
activities in the hanger, in order to prevent any injuries which might occur to the
personnel while they are focusing on the UUT and RHGSE.