© Copyright 2013 Zephyr Engineering, Inc
HF1 User’s Manual
Version 1.1
– 16 September 2013
The USB Blaster driver is not available as a separate download. If you intend to
power your SDRstick
from the USB port, you must download and install either the
Quartus II Web Edition or the Quartus II Programmer software.
3.3 Step QS3
– Program BeMicroSDK
Programmer is used for two functions. The first function is to create a User
Flash Block file. The second function is to program FLASH format files into the
BeMicroSDK configuration flash ROM. The SDRstick
Programmer GUI is shown in
Figure 8. The left pane is used to create a User Flash Block, and the right pane is used
to program FLASH format files into the configuration flash ROM on the BeMicroSDK.
3.3.1 SideBar: BeMicroSDK Configuration flash ROM and the UFB
The BeMicroSDK flash ROM is divided up into three sections: FPGA fabric, NIOS soft-
core CPU program code and the User Flash Block (UFB). Each of these sections is
programmed from a FLASH format file. Two of these files provide the functionality of the
FPGA and are supplied by the factory. The third file defines the contents of the UFB.
Each FLASH file contains a starting address and a length, and corresponds to one of
the three sections of the ROM. Thus, the FLASH files may be specified in any order,
and one, two or three at a time.
The UFB contains the user-defined MAC and IP addresses, and a flag bit that, when
set, causes the BeMicroSDK to request an IP address from a DHCP server. The UFB
can be expanded to include other user-defined parameters in the future.
Figure 8- SDRstick
Programmer Window
Program Flash Pane
Create UFB Pane
Software Revision
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